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Sicily or Austria?

If you had a week, would you prefer Sicily or Austria? Austria defined as mostly Vienna, maybe Salzburg, maybe a day trip to Bratislava. But I prefer to hear from others, my agenda would be wide open for either place.

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308 posts

Different strokes for different folks. What are your interests? :)

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7054 posts

It depends what time of year (one would be a lot warmer than the other due to being further south) and your interests. I like the food, landscape, and value for dollar in Sicily much better, but both are interesting for different reasons. They are so different culturally and otherwise, it's like comparing apples and oranges.

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7196 posts

I spent a week in Austria in Vienna and Salzburg (1 day) and day trips to Bratislava and the Melk Abbey/Danube cruise tour. The countryside and the scenery is beautiful and Vienna itself is a showplace. It was wonderful and I really loved it there. I also spent a week in Sicily several years ago and loved that also. I enjoy visiting ancient sites (temples, ruins, amphitheaters, etc) and I also love being near the coastal areas of any place I visit because I love the sea. It's a toss up but really depends on what stirs your soul, what gets you excited and makes you happy. And maybe even the time of year you'd be going might influence people's opinions.

Posted by
92 posts

I'm sorry, I should have said it was for end of June. My interests are so varied that I did not bother to list. We like it all! I was more interested in finding if others felt strongly about one place or the other. Appreciate the input!

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3330 posts

Like choosing between lobster and filet mignon! Both are wonderful destinations but at the end of June Sicily might be very hot and humid.

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7196 posts

Okay, since you're going during a nice time of year for both you can take that off the table. Since you like everything, and believe me I know what you mean, I do too, that's not a deciding factor either. Then, having been to both, my opinion would be to go to Austria but definitely get some Alpine time in around Salzburg or Innsbruck in addition to Vienna. I think I say that mainly because a week is not really enough for Sicily - I found that out and would love to go back for another 2 weeks or so to see all the things I missed. I think a week in Vienna and Salzburg with a day trip may be enough to satisfy that 'itch'.

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16895 posts

I agree that Sicily could use more time, since key sights are more spread out. With a focus on Vienna, you probably will spend more time in that one city, but good train connections also bring the side trips closer, e.g. Vienna-Salzburg in 2.5-3 hours by fast train.

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3696 posts

I have not been to Sicily, but have been south in Italy in the summer, and the weather would make the decision for me. Definitely Austria.... I also like everything and know I would love Sicily, but not thrilled about traveling while too hot and humid and sweating. In the summer I love the mountain areas and Salzburg is one of my favorite places.... I have been in the winter and the summer, and it is nice to be there when the gardens are in bloom.

Posted by
92 posts

Y'all are still making this hard, they all sound great! Hot weather isn't really an issue for us, we live in Atlanta and are used to sweating out the beer. The time thing might make the difference, although my wife wants that Sicilian food!

Posted by
3696 posts

Oh... did not notice that you are from Atlanta!!! Probably you will be right at home.

If these are both places you will visit and one at a later date, then Austria is also wonderful in the winter if you can get there for the Christmas markets...
I would flip a coin... or let your wife choose:)

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28806 posts

I'm with the folks who say a week isn't enough time for Sicily.

Posted by
3280 posts

My vote would be for Sicily but keep it simple. Fly into Catania and visit Taormina for a couple of nights, then Ortygia for 4-5 nights with daytrip to Noto. We stayed at L'approdo Delle Sirene last September. If you wife like Sicilian food consider a cooking class there (even if you stay somewhere else)--it was lots of fun!

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7054 posts

Does your "week" include flying time? If so, then it's really a bit more than 5 days. I would vote for Austria because the heat in Sicily will be unbearable (although if it doesn't bother you, then go for it). Given the short time you have, I'd also consider which place has the best flight connections and overall quickest flight for you so you can maximize on-the-ground time.