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Should we bring the laptop???

My husband and I are backpacking and trying hard to keep everything minimal. However, I can see the pros and cons of bringing the laptop. It is a lightweight macbook. It would helpful in locating things, communicating etc. But, I don't know how safe it is to bring.

If we bring it, I think we will just leave it locked up in our room while we are out sightseeing.

I know there are plenty of internet cafes everywhere, but it is a nice convenience to have!

Please let me know your travel experience with or without the laptop!

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3313 posts

A laptop is great to use to download and store digital photos. So it's like a five pound flash card in that respect. But it's a pain if you're trying to use it for e-mail. You can rely on Internet cafes for that.

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474 posts

Though you didn't say where you are traveling to, if your laptop can pick up wireless, I found that in France and IReland, there were a lot of places that had free WiFi. I had an Ipod touch and not a laptop but found that it was easy to find WiFi to send email, check weather, etc. A lot of the TI's, public libraries and even small B&B's are offering it.

Hope this helps.

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26 posts

Thank helps, thanks.

We are bringing an iphone, which I think will be able to find some wifi signals.

We are going to Paris, Alps, Germany-but most of the time will be spent in Italy. I'm not sure how much wifi is available there in Italy?

In regards to storing images, we have plenty of digital camera cards, so we won't even use the laptop for that.

It sounds like the internet cafe is the way to go for email.

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1358 posts

Rely on the internet cafe; you will find them almost everywhere, and leave your laptop at home.

That's one more thing you won't have to keep track of. If you have plenty of memory cards you're better off; they don't take any space.