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Should I change my Itinerary?

Hi! In four days from now, I would do my first solo travel in Europe for 6 weeks. I'm going to Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Spain and Portugal. But I'm thinking about replacing Spain and Portugal, because of the Monkeypox. I bought already my travel insurance. But I also want to get sick. I just want to smooth travel on my first solo trip international. I can also wear face mask in Spain and Portugal. But I don't know if mask is enough protection to not get monkeypox. What do you guys think?

Thank you

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I think you need to read up on monkeypox, and by that I DON'T mean reading lurid accounts from social media sites. I mean solid medical sites like the CDC.

First of all, are you old enough to have had a smallpox vaccination? If so, then you should be immune to monkeypox.

Second, avoiding multiple sexual partners seems to be the best avoidance measure.

And avoiding prolonged unmasked face to face exposure with strangers can mitigate against exposure from respiratory excretions from someone who is walking around infected by monkeypox (rather unlikely at present given the current numbers). You're more likely to get COVID than monkeypox.