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Shorts in Bavaria and Austria

Hey Kent,

it was hot in Munich, and I saw plenty of German men in shorts, with tennis shoe and sox, some in sandles without sox. I also saw a lot of men in shorts at Herrenchiemsee. No one was speaking English, so I don't think they were Americans.

I would say that in general, shorts are acceptable in southern Germany.

Posted by
8700 posts

So what's it going to be for you? Tennis shoes and sox or sandals and no sox?

I'm enjoying reading your blog. As you know, Germany is on my "gotta get there someday" list. You've raised my wanderlust level exponentially!

Posted by
875 posts

Don't know if it's still the same, but when I was there in mid-80s, it was unpleasant to see very hairy men (especially fat, hairy men) wearing very short shorts! (I didn't see fat, hairy women wearing them.) Shorts are fine, but they should be longer.

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19237 posts

My shorts, which, by the way, come to just above the knees, I bought in Bavaria in 2002. Some men are wearing pants that come mid-calf.

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1633 posts

Yes, those men, usually much older, still, to this day, wear the very short, shorts. I don't get it either. It's almost like they are wearing an updated version of lederhosen. The younger guys will wear the longer cargo or capri length hiking shorts.

Posted by
10344 posts

Hi Lee (Hey, Lee addressed the original post to moi),

Good to hear from you.

Au contraire to the implication of your OP, I feel strongly that as many Americans as possible should wear shorts in Europe, to further the national interests of the United States.

(ahem, Canadians, please excuse us for a moment, this is a US thing)

Now Lee, I know you join the rest of us in wanting our country to be #1--and wearing shorts in Europe will help to keep us #1 in the Worst Dressed Tourist Category, where, as you know, we've been at the top of the heap for several years now, according to surveys.

And as I think you're aware, the wily Brits keep trying to edge us down into 2nd, with their sandals with white mid-calf sock strategy--so we all need to do everything we can to keep America #1.

So, keep up the good work, Lee!(and keep havin' fun, too). We'll love you here, even if you don't wear shorts--but if you love your country, and I know you do, then try to wear shorts as much as possible, we have an image to maintain.

Posted by
4555 posts

Geez, Kent....Bermuda's built a whole image on shorts AND mid-calf white socks!

Posted by
10344 posts

Exactly, Norm--I think that's where the wily Brits got the idea for sandals & socks and realized they had a shot at moving moving up from #2 to the #1 slot--displacing the Southern Region of North America from our position of Supremacy in the Sartorial Splendor Survey Sweepstakes.

Posted by
12313 posts


I know I've been against wearing shorts unless it's appropriate wear for the occasion. I thought about it recently and realized the reason I rarely wear shorts is I don't travel in Europe in July or August.

If it was really hot, I probably would wear shorts too.

It's not that surprising, however, that men were wearing shorts on a hot day while on vacation.

So what did everyone wear to dinner?

Posted by
2193 posts

I agree…acceptable if that’s what you prefer. And, I really don’t think the shorts debate pertains much to Bavaria anyway. I’ve visited several times during the summer months, and the German men were wearing shorts on each visit. I’ve never witnessed the sloppy look that you see here (i.e. baggy cargo shorts, huge tee shirt with print, and ball cap). As I recall, shorts were often paired with either a golf or short-sleeve button shirt with collar. Shoes were often sandals…with our without socks (socks were dark). I noticed younger guys wearing just about anything – shorts, three-quarter khakis, or jeans. Shoes were Puma. Shirts were Polo brand solid color golf shirt with collar flipped up (a la early 1980s prep). It was so chilly the last time I was in Austria, shorts were out of the question (June), and I never noticed anyone wearing them.