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Shoes for Europe Trip

I have a pair of ECCO walking/hiking shoes like the ones Rick Steves wears on his TV and lecture shows and they are the best. After several trips to Europe they have been discolored in the front by water and I can't seem to get the original color back. I have tried several kinds of polish and they are still unsightly, so I'm looking for ideas. I believe that someone once told me they are to be oiled and not polished, but with which oil, and will it restore the color? Thank you.


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506 posts

I would take them to an old fashion shoe shop and have them spruced up. We forget that there still are shoe shop that can fix anything on good shoes. I am sure they can bring them back to life for a lot less than a new pair of Ecco's

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1054 posts

How much is left on the sole of the shoe? If that is starting to wear out, might be better to get a new pair vs fixing them up. I also have a pair of ECCO's and love them.

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2788 posts

I have two pairs of Clarks Air Movers (no longer available). I take one pair to Europe every year and before I leave Seattle I take both pairs to a local shoe repair store and have them spruced up. Small investment to insure good service in Europe. I tried a pair of ECCOs before settling on the Clarks but they did not fit my foot well. I then tried the Clarks and they fit my foot like a glove with the removable insert. I am not as much worried about their color change as I am keeping them polished and water proofed.