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Hi! This is an unusal question. I have heard/read that there are still real shoemakers in Europe. I have a very narrow heel AA and would LOVE to have a real pair of shoes. Please post anyone that you know of. (No Zappos, no flipflops, no sandals, no tennis shoes suggestions) Fashionable yet functional! Thanks!

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32323 posts

Tricia, There's also a "real shoemaker" here in Vernon. From what I've heard, he manufactures specialty shoes for Doctors all over North America. I can ask if they have a narrow AA next time I'm in the store? What do you have in mind with a "real pair of shoes"?

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964 posts

Hi Tricia, I found one In Marbella, S Spain. He made boots, shoes and also sandals etc. His prices weren't cheap but his work was good. If you think you might be interested, let me know and I'll try to describe where his shop was. I don't have a phone number or anything. I think you'd find a few in Spain.

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154 posts

Hey! Thanks! I don't have any foot problems (arches etc). I just have narrow feet. I do like the cute ankle boots and heels etc. By real shoe I meant one for cold weather that covers my foot. Not that I don't like flip flops / sandals but sometimes I need something more. It's cheaper than buying inserts and bandaids.If the shoes last for years, its worth it. I've heard there are some in Spain but I can't locate anyone on the internet. Please send an email with any names.
Thanks! Tricia

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361 posts

In Italy there are several real shoemakers. I have a high instep coupled to a 10 4E width and the Italian guys make me shoes that are super soft, padded and lined that fit like a glove.

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154 posts

@Jerry. That sounds great. If anyone has a name and address, that would be helpful.

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154 posts

I don't know if this post will come up high enough again for people to see. I got some info that Florence was the place for shoes. Does anyone have any good leads for starters there?