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Shipping goods home from Italy to Canada

Hello, can anyone suggest the best method of getting cans of olive oil, cheese and other items from Italy home to Canada?

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32324 posts

Krista, Could you clarify whether the "best method" you'd prefer is the quickest or the cheapest method? Also, are you currently in Italy, or is this a question for a future trip? Depending on the quantity and weight, the first method I'd consider would be to use one piece of your checked luggage for the food items. However, if the weight is excessive be prepared to pay a supplement. Another method that might work would be surface Mail. It will probably be exceptionally slow but will be the least expensive of the shipping options (with FedEx / UPS being the most expensive). It would also be a good idea to check Agriculture Canada or other websites regarding importation of food items. If the Cheese is unpasteurized, there could be "issues". Good luck!

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33477 posts

Sending stuff by Italian Post can be a bit of a lottery. We sent groups of post cards twice from Italy and twice they didn't arrive. We do that elsewhere too, never with a problem. Only in Italy (Venice and Florence) have we had any problems with mail...

Posted by
989 posts

That's a common message that has been echoed many times on various threads here. Mailed items from Italy very often never arrive at their destination. You could do a SEARCH through the threads - this dilemma has been discussed multiple times.

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2092 posts

Maybe check out the locations of UPS? I'm not sure that they'd accept olive oil or food, but maybe you could call them?

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4412 posts

Krista, unless you have Customs issues in Canada you'll want to put those items (well-packed) in your checked luggage. It's almost garanteed to be the cheapest method, and it will most likely actually arrive in Canada, intact. I don't know if you'll purchase these items at the end of your trip; having to lug these items (plus perhaps an extra bag) all over Italy might be a valid concern. I'm going to step out on a limb and announce that it's a well-known fact that the Italian postal system isn't terribly reliable LOL. I don't anticipate too many people sparring with me on this point...IF your box of goodies actually shows up, there's a very real chance that someone will have helped themselves to something...and perhaps you'll even receive something NOT yours (like a consolation prize to make up for the 'sticky fingers', I suppose!). And it's going to cost an arm and a leg... Is your question also asking about customs regulations?

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3635 posts

I can't imagine it being worthwhile to ship those items from Italy to North America,especially given the vagaries of the Italian Postal Service. I'd say bring back what you can carry, and check what's available to order on the internet. Also, I don't know where Delta, BC is; but I suspect that there is a good selection of imported Italian food items available in Vancouver and perhaps many other places.

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9 posts

I ship my clothing, computer and other items home from Florence every year when i spend 4 to 6 weeks in Italy. There is a Mail Box Etc office on Via Scala, near the train station. This particular office is run by 3 wonderful woman who know what they are doing. Food, wine, oil are sent separately from other items and handled, packed by the store. if you are not int he Florence area, perhaps they can suggest a MBetc office near your location. However, if you are traveling around Tuscany, plan to stop in Florence and let them help you. MBE#212 Via della Scala 13r, 50123 Firenze 055/268173 - fax 055/212852
store hours: Monday/Friday 9.00-1.00 / 3.30-6.30

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2349 posts

I just noticed your last name. I'm picturing a Python-esque exchange at the Italian post office. -I'd like to ship this to Canada. -What's your name? -Engelland -You wish to ship to England? -No, Canada.
-We'll get this off to England right away.

Posted by
175 posts

Krista: I'm a Vancouverite who has been travelling and staying in Italy for years and years. After the novelty of new products found in delightful places, and attempting to bring them back, we investigated the great Italian stores in Vancouver/Burnaby and decided to do our Italian grocery shopping here. Wine is a different kettle of fish, but with all the new private wine stores around the area you can get great Italians at good (well, for Canada) prices. Nothing worse than the long wait for a package that never
arrives esp. after you've paid a fortune to get it to you.