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Severe Food Allergies and Travel

My husband has a severe, life-threatening allergy to mustard. Just eating at restaurants here in the U.S. can be challenging enough, without the language barrier. I found this company **(see below) on the internet where you can buy custom made cards in many languages that describe your allergy for restaurant staff. Hopefully it will help keep him safe while we travel. Just thought I would share this tip with all of you.

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10 posts

Okay, I don't understand why it won't allow me to type the name of the keeps shortening the name. the website is: www Select Wisely dot

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9369 posts

It won't let you type the word "select" because it is a command term used in programming. A little quirk of the system here.

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10 posts

Nancy, thank you for the explanation. I am definitely clueless when it comes to computers!

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2092 posts

Jennifer, Thank you! I have saved this site and plan to forward it to family members.

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23 posts

Jennifer, thank you so much for this tip! I want to order one for my allergy but it isn't listed. I just emailed them to find out if they can do any other foods. Thank you, thank you!

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10 posts

They will definitely make custom husband's allergy to mustard wasn't on the list either. The cards are super nice and only took a few days to arrive! Jenn

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12313 posts

You could carry a written message, about your husband's allergy, on a card you can show your server. I probably wouldn't rely on that, the risk of it being ignored, misunderstood or other mistake are too high. Instead, I'd survive by getting my food at a supermarket and preparing it myself as either a picnic or in a kitchenette at your lodging. There may be some types of restaurants where you are safe but you would know that better than I.

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10 posts

Brad, You are absolutely right, cooking our own food would be the safest option (but not completely without risk). But food is such a big part of experiencing a culture that it is hard to completely eliminate eating in restaurants. We will likely do a little of both! I am just trying to make the restaurant experience as safe as I possibly can. Plus it isn't much of a fun vacation for anyone if I get stuck cooking every day, regardless of how fresh and wonderful the ingredients are! Jenn