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Senior Rates At German/Austrian Hotels - Generally

Just at the reservation stage of trip planning and thought to myself, "Hey you're 61 now. AARP considered you a senior citizen 11 years ago, so why not ask for sencit rates?" So what better place to ask than here? Thanks Bill

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23550 posts

Not aware of any senior rate available at hotels. There are senior rates for admission to sites, some on the trains and public transit, etc. Just have to ask. In some countries the discount is limited to EU senior citizens and it can start as early as 60. And, of course, be prepared to show id.

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1167 posts

Just my opinion but that strikes me as being a stereotypically American thing to do.

Posted by
242 posts

Well, no. Not in my case anyway. Up until I became disabled and filed for benefits, I resented being called a "senior citizen". And I am anything BUT "stereotypical". Just ask my friend Jo. "Monotypical", maybe! :) Thanks Bill

Posted by
9145 posts

No, it isn't a stereo-typical thing for Americans. Where did you get that idea? I don't believe hotels give discounts, but tours, museums and tourist attractions will, though my guess is age 65, as that is the retirement age here.

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33473 posts

France is next to Germany, agreed, but just FYI the Mercure chain of the Accor group in France have a 55 rate which gives a single room price for a double and 2 for 1 on the breakfast price. Only one of you needs to be 55+. But, as I said, only in France.

Posted by
86 posts

You might try asking over at -- a website devoted to travel in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. :)

Posted by
1167 posts

Just to clarify: The owner/operator of a small hotel in Germany/Austria might be put off that an American who can afford to travel to Europe is asking for a discount just because he happens to be of a certain age. I would be.

Posted by
989 posts

Would the owner/operator of a small hotel in Germany/Austria be as offput by a senior Canadian, or a Senior Aussie, a senior Japanese or a senior Czech who enquired about the existence of a senior citizen discount??

Posted by
242 posts

Additionally, would the proprietor of the hotel refuse a senior citizens' discount if one were offered to him while visiting the US? I don't know, Jeff. You may be right, but I think that most hotel owners are aware of global economics and instead of being put off, they'd instead be apologetic they may not be able to offer one. Thanks Bill

Posted by
2053 posts

Our experience was in England. I asked after senior discounts everywhere, and sometimes got a deal, sometimes not, including historic homes, gardens, and London theatre. What was very surprising was that in many venues the locals in line around us were shocked to hear that such a thing existed, and they were way more senior than us. And by the way, they certainly did not hesitate to ask for the discount, too. So my take is that it doesn't hurt to ask.

Posted by
2297 posts

I'm not aware of seniors discounts at hotels in Germany. But there are discounts for disabled people at many museums and other attractions. If it's not a visible disability you may have to show written proof. In Germany, the government issues such forms of ID for its citizens.