I will be staying in an apartment in Paris. The owner has asked that in addition to the signed contract, I send him a scan of my passport and driver license. As an American, I am always concerned with what someone can do with my identity. Is it a wise decision to send this information? I was thinking of sending a copy without my DL and Passport numbers. Suggestions? Advice? Thank you :)
Frank is right, there is nothing on either document that can be used against you. Sending copies of the passport is especially common. Blacking out the numbers would be it worthless for the idenitification purposes that the owner wants it for.
It is safe to send both assuming your dl does not have your SS number on it. The passport number means nothing. It is a common practice to request this information. In Italy it is required by law. If you search on this subject on this site you will find dozen of responses to the same question asked many times. The apartment owner is as much worried abut being scammed as you are.
The apartment owner wants to make sure that the person that shows up at his door is the person that he rented it to. Send him the info. Blocking out the numbers would make him severely suspicious, and he probably wouldn't rent to you.
In Europe by the law you have to be registered with police. Hotels and owners of your accommodation do it for you. That's why they need that information. I often stay with my friends or relatives in Europe, never registered with police and never had any trouble because of that. It seems to me that the law is not enforced. But it exists.