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Selfie-related injuries and deaths

Some might suggest this is Darwinism, at work, or amusing, but not me.

Selfie-related injuries and deaths at tourist hotspots have become such a massive risk that they should be viewed as a “public health problem”, researchers suggest.

Of particular concern are selfie-related deaths at picturesque aquatic locations, such as waterfalls, according to the University of New South Wales, Australia study.

Part of the study examined how selfie-related injuries and deaths were reported in the media.

Four peer-reviewed studies identified falls from a height, such as a cliff or waterfall, as the most common incident.

Drowning was the second most common cause of death.

People often climbed over barriers and fenced-off areas to get to the perfect selfie spot, the report noted

The mean age of victims was about 22, most of whom were female tourists.

“The selfie-related incident phenomenon should be viewed as a public health problem that requires a public health risk communication response,” the report concluded.

Posted by
12240 posts

I couldn't get the article to open, but when I read the title I was expecting it to report about bystanders attacking those with the selfie stick being a menace to the general public.

Posted by
11891 posts

You are right: It is not amusing. It is tragic stupidity, however. I have seen so many people climb over barriers intended for their safety both in Switzerland and at home in Oregon. In Oregon, people get swept off rocks in high “King” tides trying to get the perfect shot. They die. In Switzerland the Instagrammers are taking ridiculous risks to get their shots and have no regard for their safety nor the environment or fellow travelers. There seems to be an attitude that warning signs are for everyone else, not them.

Posted by
9331 posts

These same people go pet a buffalo or climb over the enclosures at zoos to pet a lion or interact with a gorilla.
It is plain stupidity and lack of common sense, plus the rules are for you, not for me beliefs.

Posted by
2725 posts

The trains in the Bernese Oberland now have warning stickers. telling people not to use selfie sticks out of the window...

Posted by
32417 posts

I'm not at all surprised by this article, as I've seen people do stupid things to get a selfie. It seems that many of them are younger and may have a false sense of confidence and invincibility, and likely haven't developed the same degree of "common sense" that older people would have. Unfortunately I don't see this situation improving any time soon. I doubt that viewing it as a public health problem and putting up more signs will have any effect.

Posted by
21414 posts

Seriously? I still dont get the hatred towards people with selfie sticks. But a quick look at facts (none in the article) indicates that the number of people who have died in "selfie accidents" over the last five years isn't much different than the number of tourists hit by cars in Iceland each year.

Posted by
4821 posts

I'm not sure if we have a selfie problem or a stupid problem. I found another article that quotes a study that there were 379 selfie deaths between 2008-2021, mainly young males. Last year while visiting the 7-sisters cliffs in England we watched two German high school students recording each other doing backflips at the edge. If something would have happened would this be recorded as selfie related deaths or stupid related deaths? There are an average 80 deaths per year at the cliffs; 25% by suicide. That leaves 60 by other reasons such as stupidity, carelessness; maybe even the odd selfie.

Posted by
5051 posts

I don’t get the choices, but some people don’t get mine so I try not to be too judgemental. But it’s about photos, not “selfies”.

However a couple of years ago, I watched two sets of people (at different times) climb perilously out on a far rock at the Grand Canyon at sunset for pictures - and watched the park rangers have to climb out to tell them to come back - against the rules (and it said so). I guess if they don’t mind dying, I shouldn’t mind if they do - but I don’t want to have to watch it and hate for rangers, etc., to have to take risks to monitor and try to keep everyone safe (or recover bodies). But I have the same opinion about skydiving or rock climbing and people do that all the time.

Posted by
8668 posts

But a quick look at facts (none in the article)...

Exactly, James. And therein lies the problem. It's an tabloid article from the NYPost. Did you expect facts? 😊

Posted by
3157 posts

Mardee and James, here are your facts:

The evidence is from the NIH, not the New York Post:

Also, the University of Montreal, hardly a tabloid:

In some tragic instances, taking a selfie for social media can be fatal. A studyopens in a new tab or window by Australian researchers, published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, makes the bold claim that such selfie-related deaths -- particularly falls from drastic heights and drowning -- are a public health issue.

Nathalie Auger, MD, MSc, a physician epidemiologist at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre in Canada, who has conducted separate research on this topicopens in a new tab or window, strongly agrees.

"Selfie-related mortality is a public health concern as these deaths affect people of all ages around the world, have been increasing, and could be prevented through better public education and awareness," Auger told MedPage Today.

She said her own research showed that young people are particularly at risk, and truly might not understand the risk involved with taking a daring selfie.

Also, Royal Life Saving from Australia:
These are not isolated incidents.

One study found 379 people worldwide were killed due to selfies between 2008 and 2021, with even more injured. Incidents are more likely in young adults, particularly males.

Also from ABC News, hardly a tabloid:

University of NSW lead author Samuel Cornell has published Australia's first comprehensive study of selfie-related deaths.

The paper scraped news reports of selfie-related deaths as well as a cross-sectional study of 379 fatalities since 2008.

The paper found that tourists were most at risk, with the most common cause of death being falling from cliffs or waterfalls while attempting to take a selfie.

Sam Cornell said selfie-related deaths were likely to get more common.(Supplied: Samuel Cornell)
Mr. Cornell said in his view the problem was becoming so widespread that it should be considered a public health problem.

"It's a problem that isn't going anywhere," Mr. Cornell said.

Also, the University of South Wales:

Sam Cornell has long researched and reported on public safety issues. Before commencing the PhD, Sam worked with the BSRG as a research assistant on a qualitative project identifying the emotional and physical responses that people caught in a rip current experience.

Posted by
21414 posts

BigMike, my point exactly. "One study found 379 people worldwide were killed due to selfies between 2008 and 2021," About 200 tourists a year get hit by cars in Iceland. More than 50 million selfie sticks have been sold. There are 15 million Americans going to Europe each year and that only makes up 10% of the European tourism. This is nuts to even discuss. 29 people a year world wide.

Posted by
3157 posts

Mr. E, every trend begins small and researchers notice this early on. Patterns begin early and grow.

This is not being hyperbolic, but simply a fact. We have people who die taking selfies at our local waterfalls and other potentially hazardous sites. Not every day but enough to catch the attention of park rangers.

Nowhere did I suggest this was a catastrophic problem. It's simply an interesting phenomenon backed by research. If reading his encourages one person to act in a safer manner, it was worth it. I would be hesitant to tell a local mom here in our city that losing her son in such a manner is "hardly worth discussing." Due to her efforts signage has increased near the popular rock climbing areas and cliffs of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Also, to dismiss this as "tabloid" nonsense was proven to be false and silly, as I noted in a recent post.

We have signs all over the place here warning people about previous injuries and deaths by behaving in an unsafe manner. My guess is the park rangers know of what they are advising people. And it's a real threat.

But... carry on.

Posted by
2725 posts

But a quick look at facts (none in the article) indicates that the
number of people who have died in "selfie accidents" over the last
five years isn't much different than the number of tourists hit by
cars in Iceland each year.

The number of people dying in car accidents in Iceland hovers around 5 a year. I am quite willing to believe that "deaths by stupidity" are more common...

Posted by
183 posts

"selfie accidents" over the last five years isn't much different than the number of tourists hit by cars in Iceland each year."
-- Car accidents involve a 2nd party to occur. Selfies do not. That is why they are called "selfies".

"Seriously? I still dont get the hatred towards people with selfie sticks.
-- A few years ago we were short on time but still endeavored to see the Mona Lisa. We entered the gallery and saw a mob of people. We got about 4 people away from the barrier rope then gave up. 90% of the mob was jockeying for a selfie. Imagine, you have a selfie with a postage stamp from 10 meters distance. And for what? something you could go home and photoshop yourself to make it look like you are standing there. Few if any of the 90% were there for the sake of art.

This past summer we were in the Black Hills. A Bison was about 100 yards away across the highway. We parked, in a parking lot, to admire the magnificent beast (from our car). He slowly strode toward us, across the highway, and found a scratching post about 20 feet away. Looking at him, who in their right mind would think it okay to get up close to such a huge animal? Same goes for bears.

Darwin had it right.

Giving the beast a wide berth, we slowly drove away so as not to startle him.

Posted by
952 posts

There's an unreasonable anti-selfie bent on these forums. The selfie does not cause incidents and I wouldn't call someone stupid. It's an individual's lack of situational awareness but that lack of situational awareness is not unique to selfie takers, only that "death by selfie" is freakish enough for media to pay attention and report on it. I bet that landscape photography has a similar number of incidents, they're just not worth reporting on.

Posted by
21414 posts

VAP we need groups that don't share our high bread values to attack and ridicule .....

I wish the groups of 6 that stand in the middle of the sidewalk and block traffic while they google directions had some sort of uniting feature like a selfiie stick so we could cataloge and insult them.

Posted by
8084 posts

The mean age of victims was about 22, most of whom were female tourists

Those statistics seem about right, as that describes the majority of selfie-takers I’ve seen on recent trips. Actually, it’s even more frequent with one 22-year-old female taking photo(s) of another, posing 22-year-old, and then they switch.

It’s a terrible way to die, and it would be wonderful if that stopped happening.

Posted by
3157 posts

Signs are installed adjacent to several waterfalls here if West Virginia and western Virginia due to the rocks having virtually invisible moss on them, and quite slippery. I remember being 22-years-old and invincible, so I understand how young people can take risks that seem absurd to us as we get older. Heck, it seems like just yesterday I was jogging up and down stairs like Presidents Obama and Bush. Sigh.

Posted by
22 posts

I don’t take selfies, but my wife loves them, so I take the shots for her instead. I also do the same for some travelers (whether solo or group). I volunteer to take their photos instead of them making dangerous adjustments with selfies. I also tell them not to do stupid stuff in the photos that I take. 😅

Posted by
3157 posts

david, I do the same. The key is taking a selfie and moving, recognizing we're not the only people in the world. It's not all about me and the Hot Wife.

Posted by
228 posts

How can it be classified "lack of situational awareness" when there are fences that cannot NOT be noticed.
In 2011, I day-hiked the Mist Trail at Yosemite National Park.
I got to the top of Vernal Fall and there was an open expanse of granite to rest, look at the Valley or see the Merced River, which tumbles 317 feet downward, creating Vernal Fall. There was a continuous fence to keep people out of the river. You couldn't get to the other side without consciously going over or under it., yet there were people that day climbing over the fences to get a better look, I suppose.
I feared for their safety.
I guess nothing bad happened that day, but a few weeks later, three people went over after crossing the fence-line:

We were advised to stay out of the Merced River at ANY elevation that because that summer's melting snow pack was historic and even in the Valley floor, it was estimated to be flowing 35 mph.

Posted by
952 posts

How can it be classified "lack of situational awareness" when there are fences that cannot NOT be noticed...

Do you think that only selfie takers cross safety barriers or that crossing a safety barrier is the only way someone gets injured?

It's easy to notice the bias when taking a selfie is treated like a moral failing here and the same complaints are not applied to parents wanting a family photo or "real" photographers. In my work selfies taking is rather innocuous and its the photographers that can be very obnoxious. Selfie takers ask if I can come over and take a selfie with them. Sure why not? It's photographers that step over my safety barriers and believe the barriers don't apply to them because, "I'm a photographer", and they want to get close up on the hot metal on the anvil.

Posted by
183 posts

The overall premise is "selfie takers" who put their lives (and maybe others) in danger for the sake of taking a vanity picture.

the taking of a group photo is not the same. That is a process of sharing an experience. (Though I would question a group leader who puts the group in danger, and the lemmings who follow that person.)

I am guilty of maybe 5 selfies since phones first included a camera. But none were done for vanity. They were solely so my wife and I could show our kids we were having a fine time spending their inheritance.

Posted by
21414 posts

Group photo sessions involving Travelers who understand and respect the environment, cultural heritage and unique beauty of a location can not be compared to selfish, ignorant, mere tourist, clickbait babies who only want the photos for their own misguided and obviously lesser reasons.

I have had to revisit a few of the places I visited when I was young. When I was young I had one objective, I generally have another now. Both seem valid.

BUT!!! I have been noticing a new threat in the tourism world this year. THE CELL PHONE TRIPOD!!!! I have been walking around them every night lately. Are they okay? Or since it involves a cell phone should we disparage them too? I do feel a bit offended having to take my $3500 DSLR and walk around a $300 cell phone I need help with this one.

Posted by
183 posts

Sorry, no link -- but I saw an article today about a group of tourists in Venice were riding a gondola and taking selfies. They refused to sit down. They tipped the gondola and got dumped into the water. I wonder if they took selfies as they climbed ashore.

None died so it is okay to laugh.

Posted by
8084 posts

None died so it is okay to laugh

What about the Gondolier? Did they ruin his day? Did they struggle a bit, as I’m sure they weren’t wearing life jackets, and the canal’s not shallow enough to stand up. Those clods define the concept of being All Wet!