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seeking dry travel weather in Europe for Dec/Jan

My son is living east of Budapest and I am looking to travel with him in Europe. We are looking for a place to visit that will be somewhat dry and warmer than 60 degrees F at the end of December and first of January. Any suggestions?

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23554 posts

First, look at a map so you understand where you are in the world. Weather is about the same north to south around the world. Budapest is about as far north as Quebec. If looking for northern Florida, Ariz type weather you need southern Italy, Sicly, across to Tunis, southern Spain or in that general area. Obviously altitude and water affects coast system, so the northern Med will be cooler than your required 60+.

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12040 posts

And winter is the (relatively) rainy season for the more arid parts of Europe. If you're looking for Phoenix-type weather in the winter in Europe... you're simply not going to find it.

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693 posts

You could fly to the Canary Islands (Spanish) where the climate is warm year-round.

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10344 posts

98% of Europe is too far north to be a warm weather destination in December and January. It's just not. And the 2% that is, is packed with Europeans trying to find some sun.

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2 posts

I appreciate all of your responses! I'm not looking for beach weather in the winter, more concerned about dry and just not too cold! We were headed for Crete and the rain and wind at that time of year is creating opportunities for me to look for other destinations! Thanks again!

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668 posts

Ellen: I am not aware of anywhere in Europe that has dry, desert-like climate similar to Arizona. Winter tends to be the wet season throughout Europe. If you go, pack (or buy) a raincoat!

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403 posts

While in agreement with everything that has been said so far, if Ellen is going to go SOMEWHERE in Europe that is as dry and warm as possible, even granting that it wont be close to Arizona, there might be a few options. Nice and the coast nearby is fairly sunny and dry (for Europe) in December/January. At least the English thought so in the early 20th century, as it was the upper class winter destination of choice. It may well still have rain, and it will be in the 50's at best, but still........

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12040 posts

Here's a thought... I've noticed that people who come from more arid climates often worry about rain spoiling their vacation, and I never quite understood the concern. But after reading a recent thread from a traveler from Argentina (and recalling what it's like when it rains in a place like western Texas or eastern California), I think I understand a little bit better. In my experiences, when it does rain in dry climates, it often comes down in very heavy, short bursts, often accompanied by high winds. More typical for Europe (and most of the eastern US and Canada) are slow, steady showers. If you get caught out in the open in a rare desert shower, even with an umbrella or rain jacket, you will get soaked. But this is usually not the case in Europe. You just open your umbrella and go about your business. You may get a little wet, but unless you're made of sugar, I doubt it will ruin your day.