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Secure wireless access

We are thinking of taking a laptop to Europe with us for the first time. We are going to be traveling for more than a month and would like to be able to pay bills online. However, we are concerned about how secure our wireless internet access will be. Any pointers about how to do this safely?

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23557 posts

Truthfully I don't believe there is any security when using public access points. Anyone with the correct equipment can monitor your transmissions on the local wireless network. I think the over all risk is low but still a possibility. When we travel for more than a month we use a third party in the states to make the transfers.

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1152 posts

It is true that most public access places aren't secure, but this only applies to a transmission from your computer that itself is not encrypted. Most bill pay sites online use SSL or TLS through your web browser. Using that, the transmissions are encrypted by your browser before they are sent over the wireless connection. In other words, everything that goes over wifi is encrypted. (In your browser the web page shows https, not http. The "s" stands for "secure" (I think).)

I would feel safer using my laptop over wifi (so long as I was connecting over https) than I would be using a computer at an internet cafe. With the latter, I'd worry about some type of software on the shared computer that might log my password without my knowledge.

As an alternative, you could subscribe to a VPN system. Such a system makes an encrypted connection between your computer and the site where you want to go, but I'm not sure it adds anything to the encryption that comes when I log into my bank. (Check out as an example of one such service.)

One caveat: Some email sites encrypt the logon, but not the transmission of messages. Yahoo, for example, I think does that. Gmail will encrypt everything. It used to do so only if you set that as one of your settings while in gmail. Now I think that is the default.

Posted by
101 posts

I agree with Paul. Your personal laptop is much safer than the internet cafe PC. You might also consider installing security software like McAfee Security Center or Symantec Endpoint Protection, and maybe anti-spyware/malware, if you haven't already done so.

Posted by
39 posts

In regard to the https secured sites... Would the transmission of your password to enter the site be encrypted or is the data secure only after log-in. I'm guessing, but I would think the password would be sent in the clear since there is no kind of secure hand-shake at that point. T or F? Thanks.

Posted by
104 posts

Can you schedule your online bill paying in advance from home? I know I can schedule most of my bills to be paid on a certain date, although that might only work for fixed amount bills like a mortgage or other loan. But my city offers free debit on the due date for water and trash, and the electric and gas company does too. Maybe you could set that up in time for your trip.

I realize that this wouldn't work for some bills, like a credit card if you want to pay the full balance. But you could limit the number of accounts you sign on to, perhaps, in addition to the security suggestions others have made.

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16053 posts

I have arranged to do what Lexey does....all my bills area paid automatically. Even the ones that are different each month. This way, I never have to worry about a late payment.

Some are paid each month via my checking account others through my credit card. And, yes, even my credit card gets paid automatically.

Posted by
24 posts

Thank you so much for all of the thoughtful replies, everyone. This is the best advice I've obtained anywhere.