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Seattle Meetup Announcement

To save you from reading all the way through the other thread, I'll post details here. We have decided to go ahead and start in June. That means the first meeting will be this Saturday, June 11. I know that is short notice but hopefully at least a few can make it. These are the only weekends I have free this summer. Details: Second Saturdays, June 11, July 9, and August 13 at 10:30 am. Location: Uptown Espresso at 7th and Virginia.
Address is 1933 Seventh Ave. This is at the intersection of Westlake, Virginia and Seventh Avenue. Yes, it is a coffee place, not Panera Bread. We're not in Kansas anymore, this is Seattle. I don't drink coffee, but I read they are very proud of their foam. If coming by public transport, this is 2.5 blocks from the Westlake Station (bus and light rail), 2 blocks from the bus stop at 4th and Stewart, and 2 blocks from the Westlake end of the Lake Union Street Car line. If coming by car, there is ample on-street (metered) parking north of here along 7th and 8th Ave, and the cross-streets north of Virginia (Lenora, etc.) If coming by bike you get a free beverage on me! I'll save the doorprize for the July meeting since not many people may be able to make this one. Bring questions, ideas, tips, and a laptop or netbook if you like. They have wifi. I will be at the table with the little Swiss flag. See you Saturday. Ciao!

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4412 posts

No time like the present! I hope you have a good group show up; there's approximately 9673 posters from the Seattle area... "I will be at the table with the little Swiss flag." I might have guessed that ;-)

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17233 posts

Eileen, would you believe I actually went in search of a Spanish flag, to represent our recent very successful trip? But I couldn't find one and had to "settle" for the Swiss one. I am really mad at Switzerland right now, cuz with the franc almost $1.20 it is priced out of our league for hiking trips. We'll be going to the "Switzerland of America" (Glacier NP) for our mountain time instead.

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4412 posts

Braid your hair, bring the hot chocolate...and the yodeling CDs.

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110 posts

I look forward to it. I take the bus so I mas by slightly late due to traffic or PT's silly weekend scheduling.

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1408 posts

Lola, so glad you are organizing this Meet up and I would like to join in the fun. July 9th definitely - this Saturday, not sure. I'll have my 4 yr. old granddaughter.

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993 posts

Oh no! Tomorrow is England and Wales then Scotland at ETBD! Maybe next time.

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17233 posts

Oy! I thought I checked the ETBD schedule. I saw Andy is doing a program on the 18th, but somehow I missed the England & Wales program on the 11th. But we'll see you next time? Linda---grandchild time trumps everything else. See you in July.

Posted by
4637 posts

Well, unfortunately on Saturday I'll be driving back to Seattle area from short vacation in Whistler. Very unlikely that I could make it. Let's hope in July. All of you who make it have a very nice meeting. Lola, thank you for organizing it.