When you search this forum, it returns a mishmash of mixed date posts in response.
If I search where to stay or eat somewhere, it will burp back a list of topics with that place name in what looks like random order. Posts from 10 years ago may sit in front of replies from last month. Quite obviously, newer posts are probably more relevant.
Is there a way to search so that the responses are returned in a proper chronological order?
And yes, I did search on search. Apparently, there was a period where finding the search bar was a regular topic. Too funny.
I have found using google with ricksteves forum and the topic I am searchng for in the search line, to be the most effective tool for me.
After you enter your search terms, note the “Filter by Type” list to the left. If you click on “Forum” you will have the opportunity to refine by date, 6 months and newer, etc.
When i am on my phone on the forum and do a search Filter by Type pops up with the choices
*Travel Forum (#)
Cameron’s blog (#)
Rick’s Blog (#)
Tips & Articles (#)
This doesn’t pop up when i am on my iPad.
Interesting and annoying as the phone screen is to small for extended reading.
Edited: i just checked, it pops up after you hit GO. Thank you Laurel, learn something New everyday.
The search engine on this site is not great, as you can't use Boolean terms with any success. If you are having trouble finding something (or finding too much of something, which is usually what happens), you can filter your results by clicking on the blue box to the left that says, "filter your results" then click on Travel Forum. You can then filter it by date, which can be a good idea depending on what you are searching for. I doubt very much that you would want hotel info from 12 years back.
That said, I think the best way to search this site is through Google, but there is a way to narrow the search down so that Google just searches the Rick Steves forum. To do so, go to Google and in in the URL bar, input site:ricksteves.com/travel-forum. Hit the spacebar after the word "forum", then key in your search terms; for example, site:ricksteves.com/travel-forum cologne day trip. This will usually give you the best search results.
AND you can also filter these Google searches. Just click on "Tools" in the upper right hand corner, then click "Any Time." You will see a drop down menu appear, so you can choose one of the listed time frames, or click on Custom and create your own. I usually don't limit it to less than a year, though, so that I get broad enough search results.
Thank you Mardee - I was just thinking today of someone's having provided the excellent detailed search formula, which I had failed to save at the time. Thank you for posting it again!
Kim, you're welcome! I do that all the time. I think "I have to save this" and then something distracts me, and it's gone forever! 😊
Wow, and thank you. Live and learn. I had never noticed the blue tab off to the side that allows you to parse the search. The single thing I was most interested in is addressed by that. Perfect!
I am saving too.
How do i do that?
Wait, never mind.
Thanks, Mack for the post. Laurel and Mardee, thanks for the additional info. I'd discovered the filter for forum searches, but had not noticed the filter by date...too impulsive and eager to read the reults.
I use Mardee’s method (for which I have thanked her profusely in the past) and if I’m only wanting recent results I will put the current year or previous year as the last thing in my request.
Ha ha, Janet, yes, you have! 🤣
Bookmarked! THANKS MARDEE!