Hi everybody, I want to find an old thread about a pre trip checklist. Without scrolling through page after page, is there a search function?
Judy look at the top of this page and see a grayish box with a magnifying glass and the word Search in it. Thats the search function. It just doesn't stand out.
Ok thank you. I am on my phone currently and I don't see it. Maybe tonight, when I get home from work and can get on the computer.
Thank you!!
On my phone it's in the upper left corner and it's 5 horizontal lines.
Thanks! I found it that way. Now to play around with different key words until i find the thread. It was very informative.
It also helps after you figure out a search term and search to use the filters on the left side, so filter to forum contributions and then narrow down your time frame.
Now you've got me curious, so let us know when you find it! Was it the thread about is it too early to pack?
Does the search function only search titles, or does it include content?
Lola, it includes content as far as I can tell.
editing to add: Yes, and now I can do a search for Lola and find this thread where I've mentioned your name.
@Pam... No it wasn't a thread about what to pack, it was a countdown type of checklist. Like, "six months before, start doing this." "Five months before, do that" Four months, 3 months, all the way down to the week before and the day before. Someone posted it and others were adding to it. It was very interesting to me.
Still searching!