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Schipol Layover

We have a 4 hour layover in Schipol, any suggestions to make the time go faster ? Thank you

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9369 posts

You don't say which direction you are heading, but I think you'll the time will go by quickly enough. It will take a bit of time just to get off of your first flight (and it could be running late). By the time you maybe grab something to eat and find your next gate, you probably won't have that much time to wait. If you do, there are always shops to browse in.

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9109 posts

The Rijks museum has a "branch" inside the terminal with priceless works of art on display. Nearby there is also a full service casino. The floor above this area also has a some very comfortable lounge chairs, and a bit of peace and quiet. If you want to get some sleep you can use the Yotel, which rents rooms by the hour.

....At the far end of the terminal is the Airport red light district with coffee shops and window girls. Just kidding of course:) but the art museum, casino, lounge chairs and Yotel are real.

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316 posts

Be sure to visit a bathroom. They're white with red tulips painted across the stalls!

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430 posts

The food is impressively good, for airport food.

A coffee and people-watch in what is possibly the most eclectic people-watching locale in the western world.

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156 posts

Depending on how tired you are, this airport has the tiny bedroom cublicles where you can catch some sleep....

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2605 posts

Ditto to the Rijksmuseum suggestion. Get money, hit the restroom and freshen up, stretch your legs, people watch (the BEST in Europe I think) and the time will pass quickly. Be sure to allow plenty of time at your next gate, especially if you're headed back to the US, even before the latest bomb attempt, it took me over a half hour to get through the gate security coming home.