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Scales for luggage

Hi I was wondering if anyone has ever used the hand scales for luggage that hook on to the handle of the suitcase and it weighs your luggage when you lift up the luggage by the holding onto the scale
Thank you

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811 posts

We have one and it seems to be fairly accurate (tested it with an unopened container of cat litter). The trick to an accurate reading seems to be gently lifting the suitcase rather than hoisting it up quickly.

It's nice to have around but we got ours free when we purchased the luggage; I'm not sure I would go out of my way and spend the money on one. Then again, I'm cheap (frugal, as my husband prefers to say).

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375 posts

I have a scale like this. It comes very close to matching the scales at the airport, but I think it may be off just a bit. It is probably as close as you can come with a portable scale, and certainly beats trying to hold the luggage as you step on to the bathroom scale. For me, I thought it was worth the purchase.

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19237 posts

I take my bag to the post office. It's free and I would bet on their accuracy.

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1568 posts

Personally, I get on the bathroom scales with luggage then back on with luggage. The difference is the weight of the luggage.

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629 posts

We use a Heys electronic one. Double check and shuffle/discard items prior to leaving. It has both pounds & kilos, quite handy depending on airline.

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671 posts

I just bought one at Marshall's for $6.99 (the reduced price), including a tape measure. It seems pretty accurate- and easier than the bathroom scale. They had digital, as well, for just a bit more.

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934 posts

I have one and have weighed at home and checked at the airlines scales and they were very close.

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959 posts

I bought mine on Ebay about a year ago for less than $10. It's been a godsend. It's hard to do the scale thing when you have a bulky suitcase or bag. This is so much easier, and you can take it with you. Using a scale is nice and all, but if you're in a hotel, where is a scale to weigh your luggage? If you buy souvenirs, your bag is going to weigh something different than when you left the house. Anyway, I don't count on it to be exact, but it lets me know that I'm close or weigh under so there are no surprises! It worked out fine when we went on our cruise last month and when we were in Ireland last year.

Posted by
15 posts

Thanks for all the info..I did pick one up at marshalls yesterday for 5.99 so i'm happy to know it will at least be close :)
thanks again

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12313 posts

I bought a digital scale this year. We're flying SAS to Copenhagen in July. SAS has the same 18 lb. limit for carry-on as Lufthansa so I wanted to be sure we were under the limit before we left home.

In the past I've used the bathroom scale method to get a decent guess of the weight but wanted to be a little more certain for this trip.