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Safety...Traveling durning the protesting to Italy?

Is it safe for two women to be traveling around Italy, next week durning all the protesting?

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9150 posts

What protesting are you referring to? The miner's? those protests seem to have concluded. Protests would be centralized, most likely in Rome and only one part of Rome. Remember can't get the word out if it's not publicized and there's better TV coverage in Roma. So, I'd be aware but travel just the same. Italy is fabulous. Bella! Oh wait, are you referring to the anti American protests that are presently occurring? Go to Italy. Enjoy yourself. Italy is not Egypt. Nor Syria. Don't let FOX NEWS dictate your travel plans. You want to know what's happening in Europe look at BBC News.

Posted by
32336 posts

sue, I'm presently in Italy (Sicily at the moment) and wouldn't be too worried about the protests. These are usually somewhat "localized" in my experience, so if there's a demonstration happening near you simply go to another area. I was in Rome during some type of demonstration on a previous trip, and simply went inside Termini and had a fine hot meal. When I ventured outside again, the demonstration had moved on to another area. In my view, this isn't a concern. Happy travels!

Posted by
11507 posts

Sue, my experience with "protests" in Europe are that they are not a safety issue, as noted, this is not the middle east we are talking here. Protests are a very common occurence and are almost always peaceful, but if in any doubt , simply go somewhere else . I DO NOT mean avoid Italy, I mean, if you are walking down the street and see a crowd of protesters just walk the other way, its not a big deal.
I would consider it crazy to cancel your trip,, really, go , you will be fine.

Posted by
2761 posts

I must have missed the part where Sue said she was watching Fox news.

Posted by
11613 posts

I consider street protests in Italy great photo ops. I've never felt unsafe, and there's usually a festive atmosphere (balloons, percussion instruments, singing, chanting). Just another slice of life, but if you don't want to get near it, you'll hear it from afar in plenty of time to adjust your course.

Posted by
5 posts

Thank you for all your advice. We're looking forward to our trip. Just to clarify a few things. First we don't watch fox news, and the information on MSN online was about the protesting, that had reached Australia, not just the middle east. I had also heard about our airlines protesting, but that only lasted 6hrs. Please understand, I'm a new traveler and I was just trying to learn as much as possible before we go. It's better to ask, even if its silly, then to wonder. Thanks again.

Posted by
3050 posts

The things happening in the middle east and north africa with regards to protests are worrying for people traveling to those areas. Those protests are centered around anti-western sentiment. That isn't the issue with airline strikes or political protests against austerity or other local issues as happens in europe. You need to research the factors behind the protests to understand what is safe and what isn't safe. Europe is fine.

Posted by
2437 posts

First of all, there is no silly question to ask. You are concerned so you asked. We were involved in two protests, one in I think was Killarney, Ireland where students had all walked out as protest to teacher's contract or something like that. Second was in Barcelona, again students, this time I think was college students. At first we thought it was a movie scene but then when we saw police in riot gear with guns, we know it wasn't. We simply went into nearby restaurant, had a glass or so of wine until things quieted down and never did we feel unsafe. This was several years ago. From what I have read on internet, most of protests are in Middle East and around an embassy. You should be perfectly fine.

Posted by
11699 posts

Things are fine in Rome. We had some demonstrations last week due to the Alcoa situation in Sardegna, but they were localized and easily avoided. Sign up for the Dept of State Smart Traveler Program and beyond that, stay attentive to your surroundings. Enjoy! The weather is grand now!!!

Posted by
10067 posts

I was wondering if I was going to need to reassure folks back home, as it was the top story on the evening news here and on the local papers' websites. But it doesn't look like the news made it to the States at all! Which is just as well . . . Dear fellow Okies, have a great time inScotland and England these next two weeks!!

Posted by
638 posts

Kim, let me check Fox News and MSNBC and I'll let you know if you need to contact the family. But seriously, as you posted the protests can occur anywhere, anytime, not just the middle east. To think otherwise is foolish, the OP of this thread was smart in asking this question.

Posted by
10067 posts

Not to try to scare anyone, but to add a bit of reality yesterday about 100-200 people went to try to protest at the American embassy here. The French gendarmes and riot police were ready for them, and took about 100 people in for questioning. When the protesters couldn't get close to the embassy (news reports say they didn't make it closer then the Tuileries), they then set off for the Ministry of the Interior. All this is to say: 1). With extremist Muslims being inflamed about the video, opportunistic leaders in just about any country that can round up a few extremists will seek to grab some attention, so you can't rule out demonstrations popping up anywhere. 2). The authorities in Western European capitals have an interest in protecting their American allies, and are good at their job. The protests are very unlikely, inmy estimation, to get out of hand. 3). My husband and I were out and about all day yesterday in Paris and had no idea this had happened until we got home and saw the evening news. (I.e. very localized).
4). However, from the looks of the news video, if you had been in the Tuileries or near Madeleine at the right time yesterday, you might have been quite shocked and a bit scared at what you saw. All of which is to say, Sue, that your question isn't at all silly, and that your awareness will stand you in good stead. You should be fine, but keep your eyes and ears open. Most likely, you won't encounter anything like this at all but if you do, quietly go the other way, don't stick around to watch.

Posted by
251 posts

We are leaving in the morning and will be in England and Scotland for 2 weeks. Of course, this is something that has crossed my mind. Any time you hear "anti-American protests around the world" it makes us take notice. I'm not going to let it hinder my trip that I've been saving for for months and months. Just like any other situation, you keep your eyes and ears open and use common sense. This is true for the next two weeks just as it was true last year. The protests in western Europe are very isolated. But, believe me, I understand where you're coming from.... and I don't watch FOX News either.

Posted by
23585 posts

There is a huge difference between protests and riots. We have been through a number of protests over thr years that were just noisey and not threatening. The ME is rioting.

Posted by
10067 posts

Barry -- thanks for the offer, but my folks don't have cable, so they don't have any idea what's on MSNBC or Fox anyway!! :)

Posted by
10067 posts

Just an . Today the French riot police were out in force all over Place de la Concorde (embassy neighborhood) at all the metro exits, on all the corners, etc. decked out in full gear, with plastic shields and everything. A definite show of force, because the French govt took a lot of criticism over the weekend for the protesters having even tried to get near the embassy. Again, not your usual sight on Parisian streets!

Posted by
977 posts

The riots in Australia were confined to Sydney, involving a few opportunistic radical right wing Muslim groups. Their act has been loudly condemned by the majority of Muslim leaders in Australia.
We were caught up in a protest march in Avignon in 2010. The only problem for us was that our taxi couldn't get through the mob and had to drop us off well short of our B & B. It was a nice day for a walk!

Posted by
9150 posts

Clarification regarding news preferences. No MSNBC, no FOX, No CNN, and no Headline news because what they broadcast isn't news, it's entertainment.
Prefer LinkTv Mosaic News and BBC news. Better world perspective.

Posted by
10067 posts

on France: If you're in Paris this weekend, you'll see LOTS of riot police out in force. Authorities have refused two demonstration requests submitted by groups who want to protest "insults to Islam" (I.e. the film and the publication this week by a French newspaper of cartoons mocking Mohamed). Even though the protest permits have been denied, the police will be on hand in case anyone tries to do so. le Figaro this morning (Friday) notes that the police presence will be strong at Trocadero, Place de la Concorde, and at metro and train stations that link up the city center with the suburbs (for any rabblerousers trying to come in town from the depressed suburbs ringing the city). I imagine the police will have this pretty well in hand; my point is to alert folks that if you're here this weekend, you may well encounter this increased police presence. The same is true for other major French cities. Again, to underline, my guess is that protests won't be a problem, but that the police presence itself may look a little shocking. Ask your hotel to give you the latest s as you head out and about this weekend. Happy and safe travels, the weather is gorgeous!

Posted by
12040 posts

Lest we get the idea that the entire Moslem population of Europe is universally on the verge of rioting, many of the respectable local imams have issued appeals for calm amongst their followers. The cheif imam of Antwerp basically told his followers that a cheap, poorly made Youtube film is more worthy of ridicule than anger. He strongly criticized the rioters among his flock (in Dutch): Somehow, I doubt any of this was reported in the US. As a relatively anonymous tourist, you have little to fear if you take some simple precautions. If you see a police cordon or an angry crowd... just walk away. It really is hard to just randomly walk into the middle of a riot. Anyone who actually wants to cause America any harm will go after a fixed target with a known routine, like an embassy or a business closely associated with the US. They're not going to sit around and wait for an unsuspecting tourist to randomly walk into their trap...

Posted by
10067 posts

Tom, yes, we've had the same things here, Muslim religious leaders calling for calm. In fact, it was the top headline in Le figaro online yesterday morning.