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Safety in Spain

Can anyone tell me how safe it will be for several females traveling around Spain? My friend says she has heard that we need to watch for Muslim extremists in certain areas. Is there any truth to this? I am excited to go and I am afraid a couple gals wont go if they think this is the case.

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9371 posts

What certain areas are you referring to? I traveled alone to Spain last May, and people were just going about their lives normally. I'm not sure how you'd know if there were Muslim extremists in the area or not, anyway. Would you know them if you saw them? I'm pretty sure you have nothing to worry about.

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4555 posts

No problems at all. Life in Spain goes on as normal.

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683 posts

You have a greater chance of encountering extremists of any sort in Seattle than in Spain. It is a great pkace to visit- enjoy Spain

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22 posts

I travelled alone for eight weeks total (five in Madrid; three in Barcelona) and I had a great time! I wore a money belt and kept my eyes and hands on my messenger bag, especially in tight surroundings (crowded metros, street intersections, touristy areas, etc). Never ever take your eyes and hands off of your handbag, backpack, or whatever you choose to carry, not even for a split second and you should not have a problem. I kept smaller amounts of spending money in my coin purse and larger denominations of cash, credit cards, and my passport in my moneybelt. Be safe and enjoy!

Posted by
166 posts

Hi Linda,

We have visited both Barcelona and Madrid a few times and they are both great cities for visiting. We never had or experienced any problems. Spain is one of the best and safest countries we ever visited. Have fun.


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160 posts

In the summer of 2007, I walked across northern Spain on the Camino Frances trail. There were tens of thousands of pilgrims of all ages, many of them women. Most of us stayed together in unisex "albergues" (pilgrim hostels), where everyone sleeps in the same room and uses the same bathrooms.

That may be a more extreme trip than you are looking for, but these folks came from all over the world to walk the Camino for various reasons, religious and secular. And they pretty much got along just fine. So with that experience in mind, I'd say go to Spain - the wine is cheap, but good, and the food can be excellent.

I recommend learning some Spanish first, though - it will make your trip that much easier. And if you are a vegan - well, Spain is very carnivorous, so you may encounter some culinary struggles.

But as the other poster said, if you can handle Seattle (as a WA resident, I know it fairly well - my best friend lives in Lynnwood), then you should be fine in Spain...take a risk and have some fun!

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23733 posts

Linda, do a little risk assessment and you will find that your highest risk of body injury will occur when you are all driving to the airport. Yet, you don't think twice about assuming that risk. I will bet your friend has not been outside the US. In someways you are safer in Spain than the US.

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100 posts

I was in BCN for about 12 days in April 2007. My cousin has lived there for almost 3 years. The only major problem we encountered was pickpockets. There were 14 of us and at least 3 people had someone attempt to pickpocket but were caught. The citizens of Barcelona are very upset about this and will usually intervene, which is what happened in our case. I carry a money belt always. I carry a bag that may have a jacket in it or my guide books but never anything of value. I carry it across my chest. I have never had a problem. Be cautious but do not get yourself nuts. Spain is safe. Have a great time. Kim