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Sacramento Travel Meeting - Saturday November 15 @ 10:00 a.m.

It's that time again to meet with fellow travelers to talk about --- travel!!

As always, we meet the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m.

Panera Bread 3571 North Freeway Blvd. Sacramento. This is off I-80, using the Truxel Rd. exit.

Everyone who wants to discuss their upcoming trips, reminisce about past trips, or just hang out and talk about travel is welcome.

Who's planning to be there?

Posted by
5697 posts

Ed and I will be there with questions about your trip in preparation for ours in December. German train strikes, Lufthansa problems, Christmas dinner ... good thing we all love to travel!!

Posted by
2092 posts

It sure was good to see you and Jim in Paris, Andrea! I'm disappointed to say that I won't be able to make the Sacramento meeting this month either. I was tentatively planning on the April meeting but I just found out I'll be going to Paris for a couple of weeks then. One of these days, uh, months, I'll be there!

Posted by
9436 posts

Hmm I don't know Darcy.... Paris... Sacramento... Paris... Sacramento... tough choice... ; )

Posted by
10544 posts

@ Darcy - Deciding between Sacramento and Paris should be a no brainer. Sacramento of course! Did you know they call Sacramento the Paris of California? Yeah, I just made that up. Okay, you win. I would choose Paris over Sacramento any day. And for two weeks! I'm so envious!

Posted by
9145 posts

I would choose Sacramento over Paris, hands down. Nicer people. Funnier too.

Posted by
10544 posts

Ms. Jo, you are just too nice! Your €20 is in the mail. ;-) And just to let everyone else know what we know, Ms. Jo is a sweetheart!

Posted by
4412 posts

Gosh, Ms Jo :-) How sweet!

(I think you can probably get at least 40€ next time.)

Wow, Darcy, wow - I thought you were coming to Folsom and Sacramento...Didn't they write a song about "Folsom in the Springtime"...or was it "Folsom in Paris"? Oh, wait...

...and I think there's another song about Folsom...

(Did I ever mention being in a gift shop in Salzburg and listening to a Johnny Cash CD? I was waiting for "Folsom Prison Blues" to come on so I could show the shop keeper my driver's license...)

I'll be there! The Birthday Peeps are wearing birthday hats and tiaras, right? Right?!? I'm even planning to wear my birthday suit 8^D

Posted by
5697 posts

So Ed is one of the birthday bunch -- does he get a tiara too??

Posted by
2092 posts

Yes, Ms. Jo, the Sacramento people are a delight and even more so when they're in Paris!
Such a difficult decision: Paris or Sacramento, Paris or Sacramento? Wine's great in both places. Family's in Folsom but I'll have some family with me in Paris too. Geez. Aaaaand, if I were to go to Sacramento this month, I understand there'd be a bunch of people in birthday suits! How can I resist that?

Posted by
10544 posts

"Yes, Ms. Jo, the Sacramento people are a delight and even more so when they're in Paris!"

Well I for one would be happy to meet you in Paris again! Darcy, did I tell you that it took us 4 hours to get to Bayeux instead of the 3 I was expecting? It took an hour just to get out of Paris from Gare du Nord. We arrived too late to check into our B&B, but fortunately our friends arrived by train on time and got our key for us.

Jim won't be coming to the meeting. He got some OT, so he will be in the middle of a 96 hour shift. The first 48 is straight time, but the second 48 is time and a half. Guess where that $$ is going...into the trip account of course!!

Posted by
4412 posts

Ooh..sorry to hear about Jim's OT, Andrea; a little ointment usually clears that right up.

Darcy, whenever you make it back here, bring your suit ;-)

Posted by
321 posts

I will try to join (for only my second time) and will bring my spring plans for Croatia and Slovenia, in case anyone has input. Thanks,

Posted by
2092 posts

Sorry you were late getting to Bayeux, Andrea; thank goodness your friends were able to get your key as it would have been a shame to curl up on the sidewalk!
Eileen, it's true that a bit of ointment would probably cure Jim's OT but the side effects of OT helps Andrea get back to Paris, so I'm all for letting him suffer! (Sorry Jim!)
We'll definitely have to plan another reunion in Paris! Shall we plan for our 2016 trip?
Hey, maybe we should start a Paris group? It would have to be a really long meeting though since most of us--from the US at least--could only meet once a year.

Posted by
10544 posts

A Paris group sounds great!

And speaking of Paris, Kevin, if you see this let me know what I can bring to the meeting to help you with your trip.

Posted by
33456 posts

I have some of that OT ointment here, but you'll have to come and get it. I can't deliver. Sorry.

Oh and I can't read the date on it..... everything's a bit blurry...

Posted by
10544 posts

Wow David! Just wow! And for your information, I am a trained interrogator. Seriously. I have ways to get the information I'm looking for. And I've been known to make people cry. Just sayin....

Posted by
9145 posts

Yeah, Andrea used her techniques over here in Germany. I watched her work her interrogation techniques on the Lufthansa pilots. It's how she made it home on time.

Nigel, will come get some of that OT ointment sometime this winter. I need it for next summer.

Posted by
4412 posts

"Eileen will protect us."

Hmmm...I think I'll have some medallions made up :-P

David, we can come clean about the wineries - Andrea really prefers white wines, so she wouldn't miss all the reds we 'became acquainted' with...and yes - What Happens at Panera, Stays at Panera. We all took the Pinky Oath...

Kaye, I hope to see you Saturday!

Posted by
321 posts

Eileen....I will be there! Have to drive myself (instead of imposing on your hospitality like last time) as the high school soccer banquet is Sat afternoon. I'm looking forward to it!!!!!!


Posted by
4412 posts

As long as you get there, Faye ;-)

And on that note - I, too, can't stay until dark-thirty this month; I've got a date for my birthday dinner :-)

Posted by
9436 posts

Happy Happy Birthday Eileen!!!

Friday 9 pm still moving out of our house so won't make it to the meeting. Next month for sure. Have fun!

Posted by
4412 posts

Thank you, thank you, Susan Sausalito! And YEA! for still packing, even if it's 9:00 pm on a Friday! It's about time that someone didn't flake out at the last minute on their offer to buy your home :-(

See y'all tomorrow!

Posted by
348 posts

This has to be the only group I can join 3 hours late (Eileen's fault, I spent all that time turning the house upside-down looking for her blasted BD present) and join a group that is still in high gear until we disbanded at dark.

David, your secret is safe with me. Andrea will never know about our rowdy Oktoberfest in San Francisco, the tour through Napa sans corkage fees and the Baden Baden-West Spa where we got to know each other better.