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Sacramento Meeting for February

It's that time again! Same bat time, same bat channel: Saturday the 19th at 10:00am. The location - Panera Bread @ 3571 North Freeway Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95834. I'll be there a little earlier to get our 'usual' table. All are welcome! Bring your travel questions, guidebooks, maps - anything you would like help with. We won't turn away trip reports, either! So...who's coming?

Posted by
6898 posts

Thanks for the message Eileen. I plan on being there this time. I've missed the last 3 because we were traveling at the time. But, I'll be at this one. Lots of stuff on our upcoming trip to Barcelona and Paris via Provence and Burgundy.

Posted by
10545 posts

I'm so disappointed that I can't make it. We are having a wedding reception for my daughter that day. Larry, I am really looking forward to talking to you about your trip plans, since I will following in your footsteps so to speak. I have a similar itinerary and I think we will be there around the same time.

Posted by
37 posts

Hello Eileen, I would like to attend the Sacramento meeting. Andrea informed me of these meetings a couple of months ago, but this will be my first opportunity to attend. I am planning a trip to Paris and Italy next year and would love to meet experienced fellow travelers.

Posted by
4412 posts

Rainie, we'd love to meet you; hopefully, the weather won't be too rainy for travel (rim shot)...Sorry, my cat typed that ;-).........Seriously, I hope the weather cooperates on I-80 for your trip! Just a reminder - this isn't open to Sacramento residents only - anyone who wants to travel here is welcome! Just Google the street address given above, print off the map (or write down the directions) and come on over! Basically, Panera Bread is located at I-5 and I-80, then you drive east for only one exit - not too convoluted. Aim for the Barnes and Noble... Rainie, bring a list of questions, your stack of guidebooks, that suitcase you're not too sure about, whatever - if we can help, we'd be happy to. Hope you can make it!

Posted by
4412 posts

It'll be great to see you again, Larry! I hope you have pictures ;-) Your trip is one we've been planning but not quite taking...maybe in the next trip or two, so I'll be interested in your plans. Welcome home!

Posted by
6898 posts

Thanks Eileen, I'll bring lots of stuff and my computer. Welcom to Rainie. We have some great info for you.

Posted by
4412 posts

Just received confirmation - The Husband says he might make an appearance! As a bonus, we can talk about Andrea. I mean really - she chose her daughter over us - US?!? I question her commitment...;-)

Posted by
10545 posts

Ok....I can't take it. I have rescheduled the reception so you can't talk about me behind my back. Not really, but maybe I'll have to run a few errands in the morning in the Natomas area! It probably won't happen, but you just won't know if I will show up or not!!

Posted by
4412 posts

WOW - On Saturday my in-laws called to say they just couldn't make any more trips to Europe; we'd better go without them. By Monday evening, I had flights and hotels booked! Mother-in-law decided SHE still has at least one more trip in her! WHEW! Kind of a whirlwind thing...but when you've already done your research - no matter how many years old some of it is LOL - things go much faster. We booked 3 flights on Sunday, and I already knew where I wanted to stay so even booking Oktoberfest accomodations was no trouble - on opening weekend, too - plus I got my first choice in Sorrento. This is why you should continually daydream about those future European trips...;-)......and collect those hotel recommendations from the Helpline! Oktoberfest and limoncello, here I come!!!

Posted by
10545 posts

Oktoberfest...get out the shopping list. Limoncello...I'll drink to that! ;-)

Posted by
348 posts

I'm sorry I won't be able to come this Saturday. Eileen, I'd love to hear what you have planned for Sorrento (besides a gallon of limoncello)!

Posted by
9436 posts

That's so great Eileen! I had to laugh at how fast you put it together =) I love Sorrento! It's amazing! For me, it's right up there with Paris and the Berner Oberland. Have a super great trip!

Posted by
71 posts

I just recently found out about your meetings in Sacramento, and my husband and I would like to attend the one on Feb. 19 at 10:00 a.m. We have been to Europe several times (together and apart), and we always follow Rick Steves recommendations. We are Cindy and Phil.

Posted by
4412 posts

Hi, Cindy and Phil! I'm looking forward to meeting you in person. I'll have 'something blue' sitting on the table...oh, like a Rick Steves' guidebook - so you can find us. Oh, and we'll be the good-looking group ;-)

Posted by
4412 posts

Now Kat, WHY would you assume "a gallon of limoncello" in Sorrento? I'm terribly offended 8^D

Posted by
10545 posts

"Now Kat, WHY would you assume "a gallon of limoncello" in Sorrento?" Lol...she has met you before!! Your secret is out that you spend the "franchise fee" that should rightfully go to Frank on wine!! ;-) We are all on to you. That is why the franchise fee should be entrusted to moi!

Posted by
348 posts

........because I saw a picture of Eileen drinking lemoncellos out of a Rolling Rock beer mug!

Posted by
4412 posts

Hey, I'm Stinker. I'm an elderly ('seasoned') kitty-cat who allows Eileen to take care of me. I just wanted to 'bump' this thread up to the very top 'cuz that's where it belongs. If you don't keep my Momma Cat's post near the top, you're gonna hear from Pumpkin, Baby, and Big Boy... >..<

Posted by
33477 posts

Stinker must be the best BUMP I've ever seen...

Posted by
10545 posts

Hey Momma Cat, I may make it after all. Tell Stinker to back off!

Posted by
4412 posts

That was close - Pumpkin was putting the finishing touches on her manifesto...

Posted by
4412 posts

Pumpkin here. I'm 'seasoned', too; Momma Cat says I'm an ol' curmudgeon. When I think the other kitties are getting too close to me I like to growl and let out a VERY loud shriek that Momma Cat says sounds like an insane, asthmatic couger. Whatever. (grooms paw) Anyway, just a reminder that the meeting is this Sat. Be there or be a dog. Dogs smell badly. (saunters off)

Posted by
4412 posts

I'm sorry - I had to leave the computer for JUST a minute...The cats spend a lot of time around the computer, and apparently have figured out a thing or two. Andrea, I guess you can come. On and Off. Hot and Cold. Coming. NOT Coming. Coming. Kinda flaky...Probably won't come...But might...

Posted by
10545 posts

Okay, it's official...I will be coming on Saturday. And I will be bringing a "special guest" with me. ;-) Are you sure you will be there a little early Eileen? If I remember correctly, ya'll mosey in later than everyone else!!

Posted by
4412 posts

Just for that, I 'm gonna come VERY fashionably late ;-) And who's the "special guest"? Vern Yip, J. Daniels, J. Cuervo, G. Fiddich (yeah, yeah, it's "Glenfiddich"...just go with me)? Anybody we know?!? Anybody YOU know LOL?!? Baby and Big Boy may say 'hi' later; it's daytime; therefore they're cat-napping. Their typing gets really sloppy when they're sleepy...

Posted by
348 posts

Whoa! It looks like I can come after all. I'm bringing my friend Bernard.
Looks like we might need a banquet room! aka kitty >^..^<

Posted by
71 posts

Something came up, and my husband and I won't be able to attend the meeting.

Posted by
4412 posts

Cindy and Phil, sorry you can't make it this month; there's always March 19th...I understand that things come up sometimes!