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Sacramento Area Meeting for August

Hello to you Sacramento area folks who would like to join us this month. I think last months attendees enjoyed themselves.

The meeting will on Saturday, August 21st at 10:00 a.m. Location - Panera Bread @ 1850 Douglas Blvd., Roseville. Please let me know by responding to this post or by PM if you plan to attend. I will arrive a little early to get a table.

For consistency I think our meetings should be the same day (3rd Saturday) and time. Location can be discussed at the meeting. I have heard from some people who would like to meet somewhere besides Roseville.

I'm looking forward to it!

Posted by
6898 posts

Andrea, I'm in. I've sent a message to Lee asking for his thoughts on how we will hookup. I have SKYPE with a camera on my laptop but I'm looking for his thoughts.

Posted by
4412 posts

I'll be there, if y'all will have me!

For our next meeting, I know this great Belgian beer bar...;-)

Posted by
348 posts

I'm interested. Unfortunately, there is a Meet Up travel group I just joined that are meeting at the same time!
A more central location would be nice, such as near downtown Sacramento.
Thanks for putting this together!

Posted by
10548 posts

I don't know got a little rowdy last meeting. It was a little embarrassing when you got us thrown out of the place. I guess you can have one more chance. :P

Posted by
10548 posts

By the way, everyone is welcome. It doesn't matter how many times you have posted or how long you have been using this helpline. The meetings are open to all who are interested.

Posted by
10344 posts

"I don't know got a little rowdy last meeting. It was a little embarrassing when you got us thrown out of the place."

Okay, what did she do?!

Posted by
10548 posts

Kent, I would tell you, but...what happens in Roseville stays in Roseville!

Posted by
281 posts

Something actually happens in Roseville? Just kidding.

Really it would be fun to hold the meeting at the Galleria, maybe we could get kicked out for discussing travel that is not connected to the business of the mall.

FYI--for those out of area--the restrictions on free speech at this mall were just found to be unconstitutional by the California 3rd District Court of Appeals. They had/have a policiy prohibiting strangers from talking about anything not related to the mall. You know what havoc a bunch of travel junkies could cause.

Posted by
4412 posts

My attorney has advised me to keep my mouth shut...and to stay in my seat this time. I will have a handler with me at all times this Saturday. Sorry I got everybody thrown out last time. Winkie smiley face

Posted by
6898 posts

Just to let you know that Lee and I have conducted a successful video conference call via Skype. Very nice to meet Lee. We should be able to set up a Skype conference call this Saturday at Panera's. We should try to get a back corner in case we are a bit noisy.

Posted by
4412 posts

And just who is "we"?!? Just because there was a 'little' trouble last time...

Posted by
811 posts

I'm going to have to keep an eye on the news Saturday in case there are any breaking stories about a skirmish in Roseville... I can just hear Brian Williams now saying, "A crazed woman named Mary was led away in handcuffs today when an apparent travel group meeting got out of hand. Witnesses say a newbie joined the group meeting wearing shorts and carrying a water bottle, and that's when the trouble really started. In this newly released video on YouTube..."

Posted by
10548 posts

Angela, that was last month. Mary has agreed that she will keep herself under control this time. Although she is a little distraught about the abrupt ending to a little game she liked to play. Right Mary?

Posted by
4412 posts

If you'd ALL stop that constant sucking on your water bottles, and stay out of the restrooms for more than 5 minutes, I wouldn't have done what I did. It's really not MY fault...I AM bummed about my little game - never even got off the ground. You think you have all the time in the can all end Just Like That!

Posted by
10548 posts

It's okay Mary. Have a glass of wine or a shot of something and think happy thoughts. It will be alright...

Posted by
4412 posts

Now Andrea, that's EXACTLY how we got into that little situation LAST time...

Posted by
2092 posts

The 'eck with visiting relatives in Sacramento next year.....I just want to go to the Sacramento Area meeting! You'll recognize me because I'll be wearing black.

Posted by
4412 posts

Darcy, you WILL be accessorizing with simple jewelry and an oh-so-très chic scarf, no? And please, no white tennis shoes - that's not how we 'temporary locals' roll...

Posted by
4412 posts

BUMP - Just a friendly reminder for tomorrow's meeting!

Posted by
10548 posts

Darcy, come on down...we would love to have you. And anyone else interested. We can just squeeze in some more chairs. I'll bring a little blue book for the newcomers to recognize us. See ya'll tomorrow morning. What? What just happened? I think I must be channeling Mary from TX!

Posted by
2092 posts

I'm hoping to get to meet all of you in 2011, probably in the spring. Any one know when the 2011 Camellia Festival will be? Then I could combine an international travel meeting with international folk dance!

Posted by
10548 posts

We have a Camellia Festival? Who knew? I'm sure you can google the info. We would love to have you! Okay, I'm off to our meeting...

Posted by
10548 posts

I think our meeting was a big success. There were 8 of us today. I think the last of us stragglers were there for over 5 hours. It's funny but when you get a bunch of people together who all love to travel, and to hear about the travels of others, and ask questions about travel, the time goes by very quickly! We got to talk to Lee and his Denver group over Skype, so that was fun! I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did. For those of you who have expressed an interest in attending our meetings if they are in another location, we did discuss other options. I don't recall what was decided for next month, as we will be in Europe so we won't be able to attend. Mary is in charge (right Mary?) to get the information out there.

Posted by
2092 posts

Ja, uh, I don't think I'll be driving I-5 in February and even March is dubious so I guess I'll be missing the Camellia Festival and the February SAM (aka Sacramento Area Meeting).

Posted by
3580 posts

It sounds like the Sacto meeting was fun. I live close enough to drive up there for some travel talk. I'll try to get to a Sacto meeting before the year ends, so please keep them going......I see that the Rick Steves annual free lectures weekend is at the end of October this year. I went last year in November and enjoyed it. I even saw Rick for the first time.

Posted by
10548 posts

Swan, we would love to have you. We have so many posters from the Northern CA area. Maybe we can try to find a larger venue and have a holiday meeting/party. What do you Nor Cal people think?

Posted by
3580 posts

I like the idea of a holiday-time meeting. I'm thinking sometime between Thanksgiving and mid-Dec. For those of us in the Bay Area, south of Sacramento might work better.....Davis area? We do sometimes have that tule fog in the winter, so make it not too early in the day.

Posted by
10548 posts

You know it James!! Where are you from?

Posted by
4412 posts

Angela - I behaved!!!....Darcy, we'll be expecting you on Feb 19, 2011 (3rd Sat of the month). Now, you'll have to stay around until the weekend of Mar 4-6 for the Camellia International Dance well do you LIKE your family ?!? LOL...Swan, we'd love to have you - BRING WINE ;-)...James, any plans you'll be "goin' back to Cali"?...........Notice anything different?!?.....Anybody?!?

Posted by
4412 posts

Oh, nooooo, Darcy!!! (wiping eyes).......Seriously, next time you're in, you know where to find us...HI, Andrea!!! It's Mary Eileen LOL!

Posted by
811 posts

Well, MaryEileen/EileenMary, just because I didn't see anything on the news doesn't mean that you behaved. I'd like some confirmations from others in the group before I'm wholly convinced... Besides, you HAVE mysteriously changed your name here, which just makes you look guilty of SOMETHING...

Posted by
4412 posts

Well, Miss Angela, surely somebody would have tattled on me by now...;-).......NOT that I'm NOT guilty of something...

Posted by
811 posts

Ohhhhh-kay, ME, I'll buy your story this time (even though the rest of your group is suspiciously silent). But if you rummage around and come out of the luggage closet with another name, all bets are off. :)

Posted by
4412 posts

Angela, you're about to hear shouts of joy from the rest of the group - I can't go to the next meeting! I've booked a flight that same day...(it's gonna be soooo quiet...I'm sure the others will have no problem picking up the slack)

Posted by
10548 posts

And I won't be there either because we will be in Italy!

Posted by
281 posts

First, suggestion for a place for a holiday meeting[INVALID]Dinner at the Buckhorn Roadhouse in Winters, or breakfast at the Putah Creek Cafe, also in Winters. Second, James being from Hanford would mean that he must know a great ice cream sundae when he sees it. Hanford is home to Superior Dairy, perhaps the biggest and best sundaes in California. So even if it isn't one persons idea of a Garden Spot, it is worth a stop if you are in the vicinity.

Posted by
1170 posts

I am so, so, SO jealous! Did you all meet up on Saturday? Did Eileen-Mary behave herself? Those Texans. You gotta watch 'em.

Posted by
10548 posts

Kevin, the Buckhorn Roadhouse is a great idea! It definitely meets the definition of midway between the Sacramento Area and the Bay Area.

Posted by
10548 posts

Yes, 8 of us attended the 2nd monthly Sacramento Area RS meeting. One person, who shall remain unnamed to protect his identity, was a little worried that we would be worshiping to the RS God. I think he found out we all just like to travel, and we like to talk about it! Eileen did away with Mary. It looked like the trunk of her car was sagging, so Mary may have been inside. Probably wrapped up in a sleep sack!

Posted by
2092 posts

It sounds (or looks) to me like the Sacramento Area group has so much fun that I can't believe you have time to even talk about travel...or Rick for that matter! Can't wait to meet you all!

Posted by
4412 posts

My trunk was NOT sagging! I used a SIX OUNCE RS SILK Sleep Sack (OOPS!) Never mind.

Posted by
1170 posts

Ms. Eileen, as long as you used RS gear, I won't worry anymore about Mary.

Posted by
4412 posts

Yes, Mary's very comfortable...;-) And she looks good in purple silk...