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Sacramento Area Helpline Meeting - January 21st

We didn't have our regular meeting last month, but we are back and ready to talk European travel! Who can attend these meetings? Our meetings are open to anyone who loves travel, whether you are planning your first trip or your 50th trip. If you have questions, bring them. Our regulars have extensive experience traveling to Europe. If you have advice, bring that. If you just like to talk about trips you have taken with other like minded people, well you will have come to the right place! The meeting is Saturday, 1/21 at 10:00 a.m. at the Panera Bread located at 3571 North Freeway Blvd., Sacramento. This is off the Truxel exit on I-80 in North Natomas. Let me know if you have any questions about the meeting and if you think you are going to make it. I want to be sure we have a big enough table. See you there!

Posted by
33469 posts

Its a shame you deleted all the others - the cats would have like seeing them all bouncing around. - bump -

Posted by
2876 posts

Andrea - you literally have 8 duplicates of this post. You might want to delete the other 7. One posting usually does the trick.

Posted by
10545 posts

Oops...I was using my iPad 2 to post and it didn't look like it was working. I got on my laptop to see what the problem was. Obviously it posted each time. I have deleted the duplicates.

Posted by
6898 posts

We need Nigel in our meetings. That would be great. Maybe we could Skype him in. We did do this once with Lee's group in Denver but it was really noisy on both ends and you couldn't see all of the attendees. As for potential attendees in the greater Sacramento area, we do bring our laptops and we are very capable of bringing up the train or plane websites to show travelers how they work. We also have way too many pictures of where we've been. And, the Panera location is just wonderful and convenient. All are invited.

Posted by
2092 posts

I thought it was Eileen who had the bouncing/flying cats? Where IS Eileen? She's been quiet lately!
Once again I wish I could get down to Sacto for the meeting but I guess I'll just have to beg for a special 1-hour meeting (which becomes 4 hours) again next year. Hope all is well with the Sacramento Group.

Posted by
33469 posts

Yes, Eileen has been absolutely stumm for some time. Hope you're well, girl.

Posted by
4412 posts

Just to add to Andrea's invitation, if you've NEVER been to Europe and you're interested in European travel you are most definitely invited! We're not one of those exclusive 'experienced travelers only' groups that ignores any newbies that invade our precious space LOL! It's a very relaxed atmosphere. Very relaxed...;-) (Wish I had seen the 8 postings LOL! Leave the chore to an amateur...get amateurish results...) I wish I had a really good story concerning my absence, but I don't; just got busy with other things. OK - truth is, several Helpliners got together and subsequently I was served a restraining order. They were tired of me and the smiley faces. I just don't understand it (shaking head)...;-) ;-) ;-) Seriously, I think I had just OD'd on traveling 'stuff' after our trip in October. I'm feeling a second wind coming on, though... Oh - Yep, I'll be there on Sat! Hope to see some new faces, too; just show up!

Posted by
10545 posts

I happen to know the REAL reason why Eileen has been so quiet. For a price I will reveal all. Yes, Eileen is the cat lady. I only have one geriatric cat who sleeps all the time. Her flying and bouncing days have been over for awhile. The dogs are the bouncy ones in my house. We could definitely Skype with you Nigel. That would be fun. There's only an 8 hour time difference. We meet at 10 a.m., so 6:00 p.m. For you. If you are interested we can work it out in advance. Susan told me she may bring a couple of new people with her this month...

Posted by
33469 posts

Skypinggggg Mostly I audio skype with my brother on my slooooww netbook. I'd have to get a camera for the desktop. I'm in, need to check what plans her indoors has for me. I'm working until mid afternoon, but with eight nine hours to the Left Coast I could probably manage after dinner. It would have to be a group decision, though.

Posted by
10545 posts

Nigel - 9 hours? I could have sworn it was an 8 hour difference with the UK. I know it is 9 hours when I communicate with my German relatives.

Posted by
6898 posts

I've seen Andrea's cat. I can't remember if its a male or female but its 17 years old. Nice friendly cat.

Posted by
33469 posts

You're right ... I'm tired. Just got home after work (2:30am). I was tired then. It is 8. I'm adding 3 to eastern as 6 but my brother is Central so Pacific is 8. ooops.

Posted by
1924 posts

Yep, Monte and I will be there. Hope the 49er game doesn't take place at that you's the niners...

Posted by
10545 posts

Susan, I totally agree that the Niner's are a priority. Lucky for us, they play on Sunday. Woo hoo.... Go Niner's!!!!!! I wasn't sure I was going to survive yesterday's game. My fingernails didn't! See you guys Saturday.

Posted by
4412 posts

Ooh, Susan, is it true you might bring some new victims honored guests? Yes, Big Boy causes me to put yet something else in a safe place (closet, spare bedroom) every week. (crying) 'We can't have anything nice in this house!!!'. Imagine living with your 9-year-old son's soccer team, 24/7. AND they can jump onto the counters, the tables, all of the furniture, the window sills, and with one swipe of the claw tear a hole in the window screen the size of a cat door and jump out of the house (yep). Baby just wants 'up high'; her antics pale by comparison. My elderly Stinker and Pumpkin just hang out and sleep in their toasty heated beds. I can picture a play date with them and Andrea's kitty; you'd have to set an alarm clock to wake them up when it's time to go home LOL! Darcy, anytime you're here we will convene a special emergency session! That goes for anyone else, too. Well, maybe not Kent...;-)

Posted by
6898 posts

I'm trading messages with Elizabeth in Woodland who is planning a trip to Venice. I've invited here to Saturday's travel meeting. Hope she attends.

Posted by
10545 posts

Larry, she sent me a PM and indicated she would be coming. I believe Kitty is coming too.

Posted by
2092 posts

Thanks, Eileen! I'll hold you and Andrea to it! You will put the emergency meeting notice in the Sacramento Bee, right?

Posted by
10545 posts

@Darcy - You just let us know when you will be in town and those of us who can will meet up with you.

Posted by
348 posts

Sorry, Eileen....I do not have a new face, but I expect to be there.

Posted by
4412 posts

Oh, Kat, I was so hoping you'd have a new face by now LOL!!!

Posted by
6898 posts

To all, with an OK from Andrea and Eileen, I have warmly invited Nigel to Skype in tomorrow during our meeting. If he can get through, I'll pass my laptop around with headphones (which I don't need but it cuts down on the background noise) so we can all meet him. Should be a hoot.

Posted by
281 posts

I will be there. Did anyone else see the post or email from Rick about updating ETBD for the next volume. He was soliciting input for how his readers travel today and what changes they might suggest. I thought it would be a interesting to go through our ETBD books and collect our thoughts on changes and then submit them from the Sacramento group. Any thoughts from others about this? See you Saturday, Kevin

Posted by
4412 posts

Kevin, Oh.No.Not.Prepared.For.That...Yet. Funny - the day before Rick came out with that, I was thinking about the same thing. I'm going to start wearing tin foil hats - I'm tired of Rick stealing my thoughts.

Posted by
10545 posts

True confessions time - I have never read ETBD. I've never even thumbed through one. I've been to Europe 5 times for a total of 14 weeks. I'm not sure how I managed. Please please please, forgive me. Please don't kick me out of the group. Phew...I feel better now! I think you have a great idea Kevin. If anyone has a spare ETBD I can borrow, I promise I will try to read it. See you soon...

Posted by
4412 posts

Andrea, don't even bother coming today; you're not welcome anymore. You've had plenty of time to read "ETBD" since your last confession. ;-)