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Sacramento Area Helpline Get-Together for April 16

Come one, come all... Saturday the 16th at 10:00am. The location - Panera Bread @ 3571 North Freeway Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95834. Bring your travel questions, your travel stories, gifts for me (did I say that out loud?!?), etc. Anyone and everyone is invited!!! Just show up!!! No dues collected!!!

Posted by
4412 posts

(No dues collected!!!) (although as mentioned I would accept gifts; to not do so would just be rude to the the South, we learn proper manners...) Can you believe it's April already?!?

Posted by
10545 posts

We will be there! I don't know if I will bring you a gift, but I have a few tips for you!! :-)

Posted by
4412 posts

I have a tip... CONGRATS TO THE WOMEN'S NCAA NATIONAL CHAMPIONS... ...THE TEXAS A&M AGGIES !!!!!!!!! WHOOP !!! GIG 'EM !!! Yes, the flag IS flying at the house LOL! (we now return to our regular programming...)

Posted by
1924 posts

We can't make it this month. My sister is visiting from D.C. so she takes precedence. Or....maybe I have my new ipad and don't want to share! No wait, that will be next month!

Posted by
4412 posts

OK, Ms Susan and Mr Monte...come back here when you get your story straight...;-)

Posted by
2092 posts

Zut alors! I had so hoped to drive to San Diego this spring so I (or we) could stop off to attend the Sacto Get-Together but alas! turns out we're flying. I will, of course, wave as we fly over Sacramento--be sure you wave back!

Posted by
4412 posts

Sacre bleu! You'll probably fly over my house; I'll leave a message in the back yard...a ';-)' LOL!

Posted by
253 posts

Eileen. We can make this get-together. So my wife Kathy and I will be there.

Posted by
4412 posts

Yea John and Kathy! Finally!!! I'll be on my best behavior...for as long as possible...

Posted by
253 posts

Looking forward to good, or bad, behavior. See you then.

Posted by
10545 posts

Susan, I hope you will make it in May. I think you have your priorities wrong for this month, but then that's just me! Not only do you need to share your iPad in May, but I have some things for your trip. When do you leave in June?

Posted by
4412 posts

Now I'm thinking that Susan and Monte ought to bring us presents from make us feel better...'cause they hurt our feelings...(sniffle)...

Posted by
1924 posts

It isn't that you all are not special, it's just that my sister is more special :) sorry!! We don't leave until June 3rd, so we will see you in May. I'd love to get those things you have for me Andrea and also your plan you had for Verona. I'll bring my ipad! See you all then. BTW, where has Kevin been lately?

Posted by
989 posts

Eileen and Andrea: Where ARE you? The limoncello is chilled and poured and I'm out by the lake waiting. If you don't hurry, I'll have to drink yours. Wouldn't do to waste good limoncello!! PS. New bottle - so there's still lots, but you'd better hurry.....there's less than there was 15 minutes ago.

Posted by
10545 posts

Elaine, I'm on my way. There is quite a bit of traffic so I might be late. Save some limoncello for me! And thanks for the invite... :-) By the way, I went to pick Eileen up but she wasn't ready. Something about misplacing her money belt and she can't travel without it. She is pretty high maintenance. She will have to find her own ride.

Posted by
989 posts

Andrea - Thrilled to hear you're on the way - poured another round. Eileen - don't worry about your moneybelt - this is the US of A. Pickpockets are the LEAST of your worries.

Posted by
149 posts

Congrats to your Aggies. That one point win against Stanford was incredible. And the final was as good as it gets.

Posted by
4412 posts

Thanks, Charlie - especially if you're a Stanford fan! I HATE nailbiters, but they make for great watching! The TAMU flag is still flying in the window...come on by and gaze upon its glory...LOL! Andrea, duh, it wasn't the moneybelt; I'm still trying to tell if my hair dryer is dual-voltage...SC is very close to Great Britain, right? I have my plug adapters...I'll be there ASAP! I just drove past our Panera this morning; it's still there and waiting for us... OK - who else will be there next week? Who thinks they might be there next week? Who would rather chew off their foot rather than be there next week? (pouting) (and yes - I'm practicing my italics; do you like them? Really?)

Posted by
10545 posts

Have you heard from anyone else? BUMP!

Posted by
4412 posts

No! I don't think Susan and Monte realize their magnetism...

Posted by
4412 posts

Is anyone else planning to come? (not that you must RSVP; I'm just curious!)

Posted by
253 posts

Just us first-timers, John and Kathy

Posted by
10545 posts

And us. Larry, Kevin & Kitty are nowhere to be found... I hope our witty (?) banter is not scaring anyone off. We really do have a lot of fun.

Posted by
1924 posts

Ok...not to brag or anything, but I am writing this email on my ipad 2! But you'll have to wait until next month to see it. Now I have much more to do to get ready for our trip! Funny how it seems to create more work, but maybe that is the appeal...keeps my thoughts on Europe.

Posted by
10545 posts

Fine Susan, rub it in. You got your new toy and you won't let us play with it until next month. I hope you like it. I will be eager to find out if you decide you are glad you got the 3G, or if you think you could live without it. That will help me decide what to order. Have fun with the iPad! :-)

Posted by
1924 posts

Monte says he would be happy to stay home from his dive trip to attend the meeting....but that would mean no abalone for you Andrea? What do you say? Wait a minute, that would mean no trade for the limoncello...we can't have that!

Posted by
4412 posts

Noooo! - I want him to make his fantastic coffee drinks for us, but I'm just gonna guess that Panera Bread might frown on that... Congrats on the speedy iPad delivery...I was really concerned it wouldn't arrive in time for your trip; estimates can be way off, esp. in this case with the supply problems. Have fun playing on it with your (sarcastic sing-song) "sis-ter" LOL!

Posted by
10545 posts

Susan, I wouldn't hear of Monte missing the dive trip. Oh no, he will have too much fun. Not to mention getting me some abalone. I mean him some abalone. I mean you some abalone. Whatever....abalone will be had by all!! And the limoncello is coming right along. It should be good for drinking by the May meeting. Did Best Buy have the iPad in stock or did you have to order it from there? How are you liking it so far? Inquiring minds want to know.

Posted by
1924 posts

I was able to buy it at Best Buy and cancel my original order, so I did bet it about 3 weeks earlier than expected. Fun, fun, fun!

Posted by
4412 posts

Groovy! I'll start stocking up on hand-sanitizer...(I should probably make sure that my DH DOESN'T attend THAT meeting LOL!!! It might prove to be a very expensive 3 hours...) John and Kathy - I'm glad you two are still planning to come! Are the MIAs out there OK? Hope so...

Posted by
1924 posts

I went into to Best Buy to buy an external hard drive and they happen to have iPads in stock. They only had the verizon model, that one was what we wanted anyway. Only thing I gave up was getting the white one, but no big deal. Lot's to learn on it, but I like it so far. Only thing I dislike is having to look down rather than up like a computer screen. My neck and back are in bad shape from work so it does put a strain on my body...or maybe it is old age and endless hours I've spent playing on it!

Posted by
4412 posts

Oh, yeah, the stiff and crunchy neck...I've had one since November (grrrr)...and I'm only using an iPod Touch, but same difference. Seriously, watch it, or it'll get away from you...set a timer for playing doing serious research on it LOL! I'll bring some extra hand sanitizer for YOU in May, so your Pride and Joy will stay squeaky clean! Monte had better cough up some abalone...;-)...or not bother returning. Andrea sounds mean.

Posted by
348 posts

This banter has me running for the hills.....Mt. Hood to be exact. I'm headed up to Oregon so hope to catch you in May.

Posted by
4412 posts

You might have some company ;-) You know where to find us in May... Have a great trip; I'm envious...!

Posted by
4412 posts

It's that time, peeps! I hope to see as many of you as possible; just show up! Look for the table with the RS guidebooks stacked on it...and the best-looking people in the restaurant, but of course. (we're usually on the left side of the restaurant as you enter...)

Posted by
23550 posts

Lets bump them all together.