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RS Scandinavia -done it??

Hi Everyone,

I'm considering my next RS tour and my mom just mentioned she wouldn't mind seeing Norway. This is the first time she's ever even mentioned wanting to leave the US (we just discussed going to Nova Scotia and PEI and that was nixed, "because it looks like upstate NY" where she lives). So, the fact that she mentioned Norway is mind-blowing to me. I'm thinking I MIGHT be able to get her to go with me if I choose the Scandinavia tour. However, I'm wondering about a few things:

1) Can you comment on how much walking/hiking actually happens? I've done 3 tours so I'm familiar with how RS works, but she is In her early 70s and has some problems with her feet on occasion.

2) How much can we expect to spend on our dinners/drinks, etc. (nothing fancy). I have no idea how much things cost there, in general. I know it can be much higher than much of Western/Central Europe. For example is a mid-priced dinner for two closer to $70-90 rather than $30-50?

3) Compared to other tours (I've done Village Italy, best of Scotland, city Istanbul) is there a lot more time on the bus/boat? Yes, I have checked the time amounts on the tour description page, but I guess I'm just wondering if it seems like so much more time traveling then touring?

I tried checking the scrapbook page, but there is only one recent scrapbook and unfortunately it wasn't any help -it was just a string of pictures like a moviestrip.

I have also already read some of the tour reviews, but the webmaster is limiting that too. I noticed they are changing the tour reviews set up in January 2014. . I hope they don't do what they tried to do last Spring/ Summer -I hated the change and was glad they changed it back (okay, some editorializing there, sorry).

Thanks for any help you can provide - I know I will always get the best answers here.

:) Gretchen

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119 posts

My husband and I took this tour in 2006. I am about to be 70 and have foot problems and did at the time of that trip also. I checked my log book from the trip and
as compared to 6 other RS tours that we have taken Scandinavia was not more strenuous and I felt less strenuous than some of the others. For instance Village Italy had
a lot of hills and Scandinavia did not. A person can choose to skip some of the the more lengthy optional activities on the free time such as a visit to Scansen which is an outdoor village museum and a tremendous amount of walking. You could make a point of relaxing at a cafe or back at your room on free afternoons or mornings instead
of running around to see this or that. Of course there will be days when you have a quite a lot of walking in the morning and standing on tours of castles or museums. Sit where you can. Also, there will be time to relax on the bus and several ferry rides. Depending on the type of foot problem, if soaking the feet helps try to do that. If you take a flat round rubber stopper of about 4" diameter it can be used to plug the bottom of the shower and you sit on a stool or chair and put your feet in the shower.

As for price of food I'm sure it has gone up since we were there and we thought it was expensive even then. Plan on the high side of prices but maybe sometimes you will have a quick or light dinner especially if you had a major lunch with the group. However, very few of our tour members had drinks with dinner. Drinks were just outrageous.
Some purchased bottles of wine on the overnight ferry from Copenhagen to Oslo because it was cheaper. Then we could have a before dinner drink at the hotel with tour pals. I wouldn't worry too much about dinner prices. That's relatively minor compared to the cost of the tour.

I'm saying the tour is doable for your mom with some common sense about the amount of walking. It might also depend on her energy level. If you private message me we could discuss further.

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3580 posts

I've been on a few RS tours and can assure you that limited mobility is not a problem. When traveling on the bus, you can stay on the bus if you want to skip an activity. After checking into your room, you can opt out of anything you don't want to do. On my last tour, two of us had bad knees. I did less hiking than most of our group. A tour member with a new knee skipped all the hiking and enjoyed herself anyway. Of course, to get maximum benefit from the tour, participate as much as possible.

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2788 posts

I have taken 11 RS tours (#12 coming next summer) and did take the Scandinavian tour. There was more travel time on that tour than on most of the other RS tours I have taken. It is one of my favorite tours, along with Turkey. I do the "Big Mac Price Check" in each country we visit going into a MacDonalds and writing down the price of the Big Mac. The prices have varied but were within not to large a range. That is until we got to Bergen, Norway, where the BM price was double the highest one I had ever recorded. I live in Hawaii most of the year so am use to very high prices but the Scandinavian countries were much higher than Hawaii especially in Norway. We got our breakfasts provided by the tour and half of our lunches and dinner and it seemed to me that when we got lunch we were on our own for dinner. We have found that happens often on RS tours so when we get lunch, we make it our main meal of the day and eat sparingly (and less expensively) for dinner. When dinner is provided and no lunch, we often picnic with food purchased at a store for lunch. We had one blind person on that tour who managed fine with some help from other tour members.
Sounds like you know your way around this web site just fine so that places I would normally suggest, you have already been there. Congratulations on your research.

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559 posts

Thanks again for the information everyone. I love this helpline!!
