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RS in person & the future of RS, Inc

I got see RS talk in person last weekend at the LA Travel Expo. After so many years and so many videos, and YouTube talks it was like seeing a rock star.

Although I generally agree with RS's political views, I did not feel that the message really resonated though. Although he said it was the first time he had given that talk, it felt like I have heard it all before. And it dawned on me that I had fairly little in common with most of the other attendees, who were not as sophisticated or adventurous as I would have expected, and probably even further removed from RS's commentary. Similarly, the RS booth was barebones, and just selling tours, and surprisingly underwhelming.

It was kind of sad, because I have made RS my main resource for travel for decades. I realize that RS has done his duty and deserves his own retirement. But it would be nice to see the business handed off to a new energetic crew to form a "RS : The Next Generation" with some accompanying fresh ideas, and more appeal to new generations of travelers.

I know many of the books are already written or ghost-written by auxiliari (local experts). But none of them seem to be outstanding. Indeed, the book on Sicily seems to be a half-baked effort that was phoned in. Other books - if not most - seem to be written once, and reheated in the microwave many times. To make a comparison to a computer program or operating system, there are no new features only bug fixes. From a marketing point of view, what motivation is there for anyone to buy a new edition of an old book, if there are no new bells and whistles? And meanwhile the competition has been improving by leaps and bounds. At the very, very least, it's time for color diagrams and more photos - something that all the competition does for many years - and they are able to sell their fresher books at similar prices.

RS talks of ethical travel, but in all honesty, his books have funneled tourist into certain over-crowded hotspots while ignoring others. I have visited various places a decade or two apart, and many of the most famous places are unpleasant rat races. Meanwhile, there are many cute communities which are off the tourist map, but wouldn't it be nice to throw some tourist $ to these little towns that have their young people leaving to go to the capitol cities, and also make for a more memorable experience to meet some real locals, rather than haughty waiters in the big places?

I would suggest recruiting some energetic engaging go-getters to put a new face on the company. The internet is full of commoners who put out some pretty professional videos - indeed, certain YT channels have become my first reference when researching a company. Although RS does Itineraries, it's being done better, car trips versus train trips, more variety and flexibility, etc. One of the things I liked the most about RS's approach of giving accurate actionable info, is now lacking. There are dozens of real life travel skills and methodologies which have evolved at light speed. Frommer's talk at the same event was jam packed with them.

Its seems RS Inc has devolved into a tour business which sells some old books. But even the tours could be jazzed up significantly. Again there are regular civilian plebeians who have their own website, and offer a week in France with visits to art studios, bakeries, and an immersive week of French. Or wine tours, or niche tours of various sorts.

RS was a fine maker of ox carts, but everyone is driving cars now.

Posted by
1080 posts

Please elaborate on your comments about "Frommer's talk" at this event - how was it different, or in your opinion, I gather you thought it was "better" than the RS presentation? Just curious...I will show my ignorance here, but does Frommers similarly sell tours? I know they sell books because I have bought a few in the past, and the industry is changing with more emphasis on presenting updated information online, but some people still prefer to have an old-fashioned book in hand. I certainly used to feel that way, but even I buy far fewer "dead tree" trip resources like books and maps these days, and I rely more on online resources. I find the RS forums to be extremely helpful, for instance, more than any other forums I have found online.

FWIW I saw Rick make his presentation at a travel expo (Feb '20 in Denver, right before the pandemic hit), and it was jam packed, and the booth was minimally staffed but I did get to ask a few questions about tours from a knowledgeable staffer.

And it dawned on me that I had fairly little in common with most of the other attendees, who were not as sophisticated or adventurous as I would have expected, and probably even further removed from RS's commentary.

How did you conclude that the other attendees were not sophisticated, adventurous, or in tune with what Rick presented? What you wrote here sounds presumptuous.

Posted by
9400 posts

Besides that Mrs Lincoln how was the play?

Confused by the post.

RS merely one “sharer” of travel tips. Engage or ignore.

Travel is adventure. Experiencing different ways of life.

Be a vagabond.

Posted by
99 posts

Yeah, so what have you done to make travel very interesting? So here you are writing on Mr. Steves FREE website only to criticize and try to degrade what he has achieved and still achieving in his life. He's out there, we know him, we watch him, and we read him, we know nothing about you, your name, address, phone number, nothing. As far as we know your in a sealed off basement typing in the dark with a very old computer. If you think it's time for him to go, why were you even at the presentation and seeing you know a lot about his business why do you care. I met Mr. Steves years ago, at a bookstore presentation in Chicago and realized he sells the idea of travel and tools to achieve it. You do nothing. I am sure the 30,000 plus people who will go on his tours this year have a way better understanding of who the professional is and I am here to say it's not you. My heavens we smash each other enough in Politics and now we continue on in travel. Is there no safe place for fun. I think if you don't like something move on.

Posted by
16770 posts

The problem is that most people don't understand what RS is trying to do.

I have known of him for over 30 years. Back then, he had representatives around the US who held seminars talking about European travel. He also sold a few items that helped with his form of travel. The company was then known as "Europe Through the Back Door" and he only had a handful of tour books because the only tours he offered, if I remember correctly, were the 14 and 21 days multi-country tours. (And you couldn't get a single supplement. You had to share a room.)

I bought his original Back Door bag. It was his first convertible backpack although nothing like today's design. It was a great bag. I still have it. (It had internal tie down straps. No clips, you actually tied them together.)

If you asked him then, and if you ask him now, he will tell you that he is in the tour business. His target audiences are either new travelers to Europe or first time travelers to a specific area. Everything he does is to try to get people to take his tours.

The guidebooks were originally meant to accompany the tours but he found a demand for them so they are now sold everywhere. That's why most of them only cover areas his tours go to and most of the suggested routing for independent travel is similar to his tour itineraries. He's hoping you might opt to take a tour rather than do it yourself.

His TV shows were meant to be used as a marketing tool and were given for free to PBS stations to air.

Rick is a brilliant marketer. He's built an amazing business. So as long as there are people willing to take his tours, why should he change? He's added new tours along the way when there seemed to be a demand. After all, how often have you heard people of this forum say they took one RS tour and don't want to take another? Very few. Most want more. In some cases, it's become cult like.

Posted by
2852 posts

Wow, this is harsh, and IMHO unwarranted.

I think Rick’s books are excellent. Though they are not comprehensive, nor are they intended to be, they cover much more than they used too. They are updated frequently. I think it’s unrealistic to expect them to be redesigned.

I have not been on a RS tour, but I love the model, and I judge from the forum that people are still enjoying them.

It seems to me, Rick has been quite innovative in his use of TV, the internet, zoom calls, etc. in how he reaches people since Covid. I don’t have the feeling he is just mailing it in.

Of course, I am about Rick’s age, so perhaps that colors my view. But I think he has a good mission and he executes it well.

Posted by
291 posts

While I do not share the poster’s opinion of Rick and his books and tours, of which I have taken 7 soon to be 9, I do wonder about the future of RSE. Rick is the face and name of the company, so his retirement will have a major impact. There is also more competition in the travel and tour industry, although Rick has a rather unique niche of travelers who are not looking for luxury and handholding but are willing and able to arrange their own transportation, manage their luggage and occasionally climb some stairs. The “no grump” policy and the interesting people on RS tours is what brings me back every year. Whatever the future of RSE holds, I hope these attributes never change.

Posted by
2252 posts

“And it dawned on me that I had fairly little in common with most of the other attendees, who were not as sophisticated or adventurous as I would have expected, and probably even further removed from RS's commentary. “

This would have been us when my husband and I first started to travel to Europe. 25 years later, I am grateful to Rick Steves and his company for teaching me travel basics through his tours and books and getting me started on the path to personal travel confidence. Nevermind the vast knowledge I have gained about places and cultures other than my own. I have taken many tours with ETTBD and will continue to do so as long as I can manage to tote my own bags. “His” way of travel, his ethics, his products suit me and I am happy to support the company.

Posted by
1569 posts

Over the years I have learned not to respond to posters who seem more intent on creating content than seeking help for their travel.

Have you a destination in mind which we may be of assistance?

Posted by
1080 posts

I have known of him for over 30 years

Same here, closer to 40 years for me, when I first discovered his ETBD book and it gave me the confidence and tools to be an independent traveler for the first trip I took to Europe, in my 20s, armed with a carry on bag and a Eurail pass. Independent travel is so ingrained in me that today I still have never gone on any tour with any company, other than booking day trips or guides embedded within a trip that I otherwise have 100 percent planned myself. Thank you, Rick.

Having said that, as I have gotten older and am no longer interested in renting a car in Europe, I am more inclined now to try a tour, leave the planning and driving to someone else, and when I do, I will likely go with one of Rick's offerings.

Posted by
15172 posts

"Wow, this is harsh, and IMHO unwarranted."

But...this is OP's M.O. He posts something wildly outrageous, then argues with everyone, then seems to remove his thread in a huff and disappears for a few weeks before he cycles back thru again.

"But even the tours could be jazzed up significantly."

How do you know this? I don't recall that you've been on one of Rick's tour and it's not mentioned on your profile. You may not be the target audience. I am. I enjoy them.