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RS Convertable Bag - Short Verson

I purchased the shorter version (2" less length) in 2007. I don't see it listed in current travel bag inventory. I want to purchase packing cubes(while on sale)and I'm not sure if they'll fit. Does anyone else have this size bag and RS cubes? Thanks, Sherry

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313 posts

Hi, Sherry --

I have the shorter version, and both a set of the old squishy packing cubes, and the newer ones that are more rigid. Both kinds of packing cubes fit fine in either back door bag. (My husband has the long, and I have the short).

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307 posts

While I have the RS Convertible Bag, I wasn't even aware that they ever offered a "short" version, unless perhaps you're referring to the Appenzel Day Bag?( which looks similar to the Convertible Bag). Having said that, I'm the first to admit I'm no expert on what RS has and hasn't offered in terms of bags over the years....
I use the RS Packing Cubes with my bag and find them excellent for organizing stuff. Not only are they sturdy and lightweight, they are not rigid, thus allowing you to squash and cram as necessary to fit in your bag( obviously not a problem for the Convertible, since they are designed to fit that bag). Given that the packing cubes are currently 30% off, all I can say is go for it, you can't go wrong. Fitting them in your bag will simply be a matter of how much you put in them.

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16053 posts

RS no longer sells the shorter bag.

However, I own the RS packing cubes. They are the least rigid of all of different brands of cubes I own and I would think they could be made to fit in your bag. Two will fit for sure (One large, one small). If you have trouble with the third one, you could fill the remaining space with a toiletry bag or other items in ziploc style bags.

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57 posts


I remember the "Short Version" It was for people (including women) with short torsos. I know I was disapointed when it was discontinued.(about two to three years ago, I think.) I would have found it much easier that the regular to carry/wear.

I believe the packing cubes fit both sizes of the Convertable bag.

The Aspenzell would be a very good substitute since they don't have the short version any more. Unless the manufacturer still makes them and you can get them elsewhere.

I wonder if you could find something like it at the kiva website? Just a thought.

Good luck finding what you need.

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361 posts

Thanks Lauren and everyone else who responded. I'll go ahead and order the cubes. Now if our dollar would stop falling against the US buck. Sherry