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Rotterdam "Coffee" Shops that are Cannabis-friendly?

Does one have to travel to Amsterdam to find a "coffee shop" that caters to the canniabis crowd?
Is there a RLD in Rotterdam?

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534 posts

I thought I had seen in the news that the government pushed a clean-up by reducing the number by 1/3 along with the brothels? Not getting rid of them - but reducing the number.

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534 posts

Oh I see, so they aren't just prohibiting the coffee shops from selling cannabis - they just made them close period. Interesting.

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9109 posts

In Amsterdam, because of a loop hole in the law, some coffeeshops were allowed to sell both liquor and cannabis. Last year the city government closed the loop-hole, and forced the establishments to choose one or the other. A surprising number went with booze, there's more money to be made in getting drunk over getting high:)