In a bit of a panic because I'm leaving for Romania soon, thinking I'd rent a vehicle but am now not sure which companies are trustworthy. I've heard the scam is that they don't pay back your deposit for the tiniest of scratches (which are easy to get in Romania, and insurance doesn't cover). Does anyone have any recommendations on car rental companies? Does anyone know if there's an additional type of insurance I could get that covers scratches? (note: I have no insurance on my credit card)
Does anyone have experience renting from the local companies: Magrenta, Carpro, Autonom, Alia. I've heard good things about them, with the bonus that they are cheaper than the bigger rental companies.
I've decided to rent a vehicle to get around in Romania because I'll be travelling around the entire country, timisoara, maramures, constanta, etc. for about 3 weeks and trains appear to leave infrequently and to be very slow. Has anyone traveled to the farther reaches of the country by train? What has been your experience in terms of the time it takes? Does taking overnight trains help save time??
Thank you in advance!