I'm purchasing tickets for a trip to Romania in the upcoming weeks. (I have been researching for a bit and have a general list of places to visit already). We are very interested in driving through the countryside and visiting for the autumn color.
My options are 27 Sept through 13 Oct, or 6 Oct through 24 Oct.
Obviously weather will vary, (last year here we got completely skunked at home. NO fall color due to a very hot fall and sudden plunge, freezing all the leaves on the trees as they were, in full summer color which then was brown/crispy until they fell over the long winter/spring.)
However, does anyone on the ground have a say or prior experience? The googling I've done don't have specific dates; all just say "Fall!" "Autumn!" "September and October are the best for fall color!" The mountains will turn before the lowlands, just looking for general thoughts.