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RickSteves-like tours to US cities?

Anyone have any recommendations for travel companies that offer tours similar to a Rick Steves tours but for U.S. cities? Maybe something like one of the RS City tours (London, Rome, Paris) but to NYC, Chicago, or WashDC.

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1806 posts

Are you looking to take a tour, or are you arranging a tour for overseas visitors who may not speak English? Asking only because if it's for yourself, those are three cities that have fantastic and extensive public transit that is easy to use, plentiful taxis, and a number of major sights grouped close enough together that you could walk to many if you are centrally located in a hotel and don't have any serious mobility issues. Having lived/worked in all three of those cities, I don't see the need for a multiple day guided tour when you could do just as well on your own with a guidebook, map, some downloaded Podcasts that give you walking tours of specific neighborhoods, free guided tours offered at the museums, and a tourist pass for unlimited subway/El/Metro/bus rides.

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1326 posts

You could try Road Scholar/Elderhostel, a non-profit organization which offers tons of tours in the US including city tours.

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16053 posts

All three of those cities have Tourist offices with websites. Their sole job is to promote tourism in their cities. Why not go there and they will list what tours are available. I doubt you'll find anything like an RS type multi-day tour. FYI....tour guides in New York City and Washington, DC, must be licensed.

Posted by
107 posts

Thanks for the responses. I understand about the local tourist offices in places like NewYork, Chicago, etc, and I realize that maybe an organized tour like a RickSteves tour probably isn't necessary for some people. But for whatever reason (language, cultural differences, age, etc) some people may prefer to not have to deal with everything all on their own. I've really enjoyed the camaraderie, and group interactions on previous RS trips, and also I like the mixture of organized events and free time on my own, so I was thinking something similar might be fun for some U.S. cities I've never visited, something with a similar minded group of people, where parts of each day are organized or are a group event or day-trip, and part of the day is free to do as I like. I realize that I may be able to plan and organize this myself, but I'd like to take advantage of the group experience like you get on a RS tour.

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16053 posts

Globus, Cosmos and Insight offer multi-city tours of the eastern U.S. They are different from RS tours because they usually have more people and you tend to stay in larger, commercial hotels. There are no tour companies that I know of that offer a tour similar to RS.