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Rick Steves--the Magazine

Rick Steves the Magazine?

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2764 posts

So to make this a question for the board...

Has anyone seen this on a newstand? I would like to have it to "read" on my next flight :)

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1293 posts

He talks about it on his blog and tells you how you can order it. I haven't seen it in store yet...but then I have not been to a store recently.

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2764 posts

Yeah, but I have a flight Sunday. Highly unlikely it's going to be mailed to me by then :) Will just check this weekend.

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64 posts

I bought it today at Barnes and Noble. It's a nice magazine. Nothing new for those of use who follow Rick, but the photos are lovely. I think it may appeal to a different traveler than he typically markets too.

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47 posts

I bought it at Borders last Friday. Nice pictures...we are travelling to Germany next month so enjoyed the info & pix on the castles.

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2788 posts

I see it is advertised on the home page of this web site. Only problem was that is said that it would be available starting May 4 (past) and would take 2 to 4 weeks for delivery. So if you are interested, get out and find one if you do not want to wait.

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1358 posts

I just had to giggle while scrolling down the page. It had all the Rick highlights -- Dingle, Hallstatt, Cinque Terra, Rue Cler....

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9106 posts

Though I haven't seen the magazine yet, it smells like it's essentially a brochure put together by the ETBD folks. Wouldn't be surprised if ETBD paid Smithsonian to distribute it.

Posted by
196 posts

found it @ Hastings this morning----$4.99 vs $8.99 @ RS store