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Rick Steves’ New Show

Forgive me if this has been answered, but does anyone know when Rick Steves’ new shows will be available for sale on DVDs? It would have been nice if they were available for Christmas.

Posted by
7180 posts

They're out there on the website now. Set of 12 shows, and they're 1\2I off right now.

Posted by
1079 posts

The brand new shows that include the 3 shows on the Alps are not shown unless I am missing something. The DVD set that says new shows are the prior set of shows.

Posted by
759 posts

yosemite1: the shows on the website, 2019-2020 are NOT the current shows being shown on pbs and Rick’s Monday night events. I have owned that set for almost 2 years. RS is a wee bit off when dating the videos (think of the automotive business releasing model years early, 1970 model coming out in Sept 1969). My guess is that the next release will probably be called 2021 and should be released sometime in early 2021 (containing the 2020 shows) if past practices hold- but with Covid I wouldn’t assume anything. The pandemic has also thrown off the shows with no annual filming this past spring/summer.

Posted by
7180 posts

Shows how much I know about series naming/numbering. Sorry about that.

Posted by
513 posts

The local PBS station showed one of his latest - about Cairo, Egypt - last night. It was shot only a month ago. So keep your eyes on your local PBS outlets for more newbies.

Posted by
2889 posts

David, we had a discussion thread about the misleading credits on the current season already--they were not recorded in Nov of '20; they are copyrighted in '20 and were filmed last year, before the pandemic.

Posted by
25 posts

Rick Steves has been staying home since the pandemic erupted. He's learning how to slice onions, not shooting videos in Egypt or anywhere else (look for it next year: Rick Steves Europe, Season 12: Steaming Artichokes in Edmonds).

If only everyone acted as responsibly as him, we would all be in better shape at this point.

Posted by
12315 posts

Looking at Austria and the Italian Alps. It says taped in July/August 2020.

Which is it? Taped in 2020 or falsely packaged as taped in 2020. If it was taped in 2019, why sell it as taped in 2020?

Posted by
34344 posts

Brad, you must have missed the several threads back when this series came out, and answered by a RS staffer, Laura I think.

I've just looked back at the end of that video. What it says is "Taped in July and August" and then on the next line it says "©2020..." That is two lines, two different statements.

The symbol doesn't show well, but that is Copyright 2020.

So it is neither of your presented options.

As the staffer clarified, the shows are presented in 2020 so are copyright 2020.

They were filmed in 2019, in the case of the Austria show, in July and August 2019.

The staffer apologised for the confusion.

Posted by
12315 posts

Sorry, I thought "taped" was a synonym for "filmed". Apparently not?