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Rick Steves is Coming to Atlanta!

Hi! Just wanted to share this info for fellow travelers! Thanks SHARON for the original posting on the Rick Steves Atlanta Facebook page! Rick Steves is Coming to Atlanta! GPB Studios March 20, 2012 - March 21, 2012 6:30 p.m. VIP Reception 7:30 p.m. Lecture GPB is thrilled to welcome back travel guru, Rick Steves. Join us for one of two lecture evening events on Tuesday, March 20 or Wednesday, March 21at the GPB Studios. Steves will share great travel advice and answer your travel questions. You don't want to miss this rare opportunity to see Rick Steves live.
To purchase tickets, please click here. For additional information or questions, please call: 1-800-222-4788. See you there!

Posted by
2193 posts

Free? A ticket will set you back $50 per person here, but it's part of the annual funding drive for IPTV, so it's all good.

Posted by
3262 posts

Thanks Cookie! In addition to a stop in Atlanta Rick's visiting 19 other cities in the U.S. in March. There is a schedule on the "News and Events" tab on this site (Road Trip USA.)

Posted by
6929 posts

I heard Rick talk at a local bookstore a number of years ago. He's very, very good off the cuff - much more witty, funny, and entertaining than he is doing his scripted stuff. Of course, back then he didn't charge a dime for his presence, much less $25-$75. More power to him.

Posted by
9369 posts

Not sure I would call it a "rare opportunity" to see him. I met him last year at the Travel and Adventure Show in Chicago, where he was a featured speaker. We met while checking out the travel booths at the show before his presentation, and chatted about our little Helpline community here. He is very personable and friendly. I get discounted tickets for the travel show, so I paid a grand total of $7.00.

Posted by
1825 posts

I am the one in the relationship that did all the planning. To get my wife more involved I took her to see RS speak at the L.A. travel show last year. While the travel show sucked hearing Rick was really entertaining and educational. My wife really liked his travel philosophy and it motivated her to become more active in the planning.

Posted by
1326 posts

He's coming to my town on Feb 11, speaking at a travel forum, at no charge. I will definitely be there.

Posted by
3262 posts

It's $25 per ticket in Atlanta ($75 for a VIP reception ticket) but I agree with Michael - it's for a good cause.

Posted by
565 posts

Love GPB. I'm going too! Thanks Cookie for the reminder. I'm doing the VIP w/ my sister. Maybe an impromptu Atlanta meet :)

Posted by
1326 posts

Correction: Rick's appearance in Carmel, IN on Saturday will cost $8 for non-AAA members.

Posted by
143 posts

I believe all of Rick's appearances on the "20 cities in 20 days" are for PBS affiliates. I'm sure most of the proceeds will go to the stations. Rick does a lot of work for Public Television, and in fact, provides his television show to PBS stations for free.