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Rick Steves fans in Phoenix area...

Hi! I'm looking for people in the Phoenix area who like the Rick Steves philosophy of travel. Let's get together and chat about travel, exchange tips, experiences good and bad, and laughs. What I have in mind is just a regular gathering of people who get that gleam in their eye when they start thinking of places they have been and places they want to visit. ..... If you are interested, I invite you to join the Valley Fans of Rick Steves Travel Meetup, or the Facebook page "Rick Steves Fans, Phoenix Area". I have spoken to staff at the RS office and they like the idea of local gatherings, and gave me permission to their name......

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3258 posts

Great idea using a Facebook page Grace! The Atlanta group has been thinking about doing something similar. Thanks for getting it started!

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10339 posts

I like the idea of a Facebook page too. How does one go about setting that up? Would it be like a personal FB page?

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22 posts

It Sounds like a great idea. I didn't know if there were many RS fans out there as I haven't seen many posts by "zonies". It would be great to together with like minded travellers.

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1035 posts

"I haven't seen many posts by 'zonies.'" Sheriff Joe is monitoring this board and scaring most off.

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90 posts

There are tons of Rick Steves fans everywhere...I love his trips, but Im usually booking 1-2 months ahead of time, so I never get to stay where he recommends