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Rick Steves Bingo

Has anyone looked at the Rick Steves Bingo cards (in the Watch, Read, Listen section) ... there are 4 cards but all have the same squares (24 total), just in different places ... now anyone who has played bingo before knows there are 75 numbers, so if I did the math correctly (not my best subject in school so always a 50-50 toss-up), looks like their cards need another 51 sayings/actions/whatever ... some things he always does/says are already included (Keep on Travelin', Rick enjoys a local drink, "Thank you" in the local language, etc...) and others he doesn't do all the time (but some more than others) ... so the task is to come up with the other 51 squares ...

I'll add the first one (which is actually number 25), so only 50 to go ...

25) Rick takes a boat

Posted by
6598 posts

28) Rick pretends to understand the local language.

Posted by
2169 posts

33) Rick meets up with one of his local guides for a brief history and cultural lesson that includes a meal and drink of the area!

Posted by
492 posts

34) Rick speaks to a local, in English, but with that funny little accent he gives himself when speaking to a local in English.

Posted by
492 posts

35) Rick asks a local merchant or craftsperson to tell him about what they’re selling, then leaves without buying anything. :)

(An additional square can be for if he does buy the craft/item/food item featured)

Posted by
736 posts

37) Rick enjoys a leisurely passeggiata down the local corso.

Posted by
34344 posts

38) Rick interrupts somebody eating their dinner

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34344 posts

39) Rick pops his head up out of a car sunroof (rare)

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34344 posts

40) Rick drives a VW camper (very rare)

Posted by
34344 posts

41) Rick explains what a train is and how to read a departure board

Posted by
7180 posts

42) Rick shows what's in his convertible backpack/carry on.

Posted by
11852 posts

44 - Rick sits on the bed in his B&B working on his laptop.

Posted by
3603 posts

46) Rick grows a beard when he's in a cold country.

Posted by
318 posts

48) Rick's son Andy joins him just in time for dinner at an elegant restaurant.
49) Rick enjoys a local beverage while touring by car, but assures us he's done driving for the day, or his producer will take the wheel.
50) (this one not so funny, unfortunately) In a show filmed a few years ago, Rick praises the newly democratic and hopeful spirit of the country he's in, but since then that country has gone the other way (e.g., Turkey, Hungary, Poland).
51) (good luck finding this one!) Rick wears a striped shirt instead of a pink, violet or blue button-down.
52) Rick saves some time and energy by taking a taxi, saying that most drivers are honest but count your change after rounding up for a small tip.
53) Rick diverts a local's attention so he can discreetly toss the shot of local firewater into a potted plant rather than drink it.
54) Rick's sightseeing is a washout due to driving rain (doesn't seem to happen to him as much as us!)

Posted by
215 posts

55) Rick encourages you to stay the night in a place, in order to enjoy it "after the tour groups have left."

56) Rick feigns relaxation.

An addendum to 1885BD - Specifically, Rick samples a food merchant's vegetables/fruits/meats/cheese, declares it delicious (in either English or the native language), and then moves on without purchasing anything.

Posted by
1692 posts

57) Rick gets tipsy from too much schnapps and finds himself in Feuchtwangen instead of Rothenburg.

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1692 posts

58) Rick is caught speaking French, Italian and Cockney by a BBC producer, who offers Rick an hour long comedy special on the spot.

Posted by
492 posts

Allison - haha exactly! I'm sure something happens off-camera either before or after, as they set up the shot and arrange for what will happen but I still get a kick out of Rick being like "OK thanks!" and going on his way, and imagine the merchant or farmer being like "What the..."

Posted by
9436 posts

1885, it’s always bothered me that he does that!

Gundersen, Rick speaks French? Surely you jest. Has always bothered me that he doesn’t even try to pronounce easy words correctly.

59) Rick explains tipping etiquette in France

60) Rick explains water is always free at French cafés

Posted by
34344 posts

61) Rick uses his trademark catchphrase "Carbonate the experience"

Posted by
9436 posts

quilter... Yes!

65) Rick eats snails more than once but each time acts like it’s his first time.

Posted by
7180 posts

66) Rick says "It smells like zee feet of angels" when referring to stinky cheese.

Posted by
8053 posts

67) early Rick - he totes his backpack on one shoulder

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8053 posts

68) recent Rick - he wears a scarf around his neck

Posted by
330 posts

69) Rick rents a bike and happily pedals off while explaining the advantages of getting around by bike.

70) Rick purchases a merchant's goods after sampling (not saying in which episodes, but willing to reveal :).

Posted by
318 posts

71) Rick takes a break from his Back Door style of travel. He checks into the Hilton. Love that bank of fast modern elevators! Rick orders a full American breakfast from room service and binge-watches HBO. For lunch, a bustling friendly restaurant crowded with locals -- McDonalds. For once, Rick gets enough ice in his Coke. That evening, friend and fellow tour guide Tyler, a young expat who runs a digital marketing startup, takes Rick and the crew to his buddy's sports bar for Buffalo wings, loaded nachos, a bucket of Bud Lights and college football on the big screen.

Posted by
9436 posts

72) It’s worth the splurge!

73) People kick back and just relax.

74) An intimate peek into life in...

75) I enjoy a chance to hear traditional music.

76) Thanks for joining us, i’m Rick Steves!

Posted by
2334 posts

77) "Raise your travel dreams to their upright and locked position..."

78) Rick accompanies an accordionist on the spoons

79) Rick plays the piano

Posted by
8053 posts

Oops, I cheated . . . I threw in my 2-cents worth at #67 above, without actually glancing at the travel bingo card, and the one-shoulder-backpack thing was already on it!!!

And it appears the 4 cards are just 4 versions of the same items, so here’s my revision:

67) Rick says, “Workaday” !

Posted by
8053 posts

And we’ve now exceeded 75, but if you threw more RickBingo balls into the bin, to make for more possibilities:

80) Rick sits down to a meal with Simon at the table (easy square to mark off)

81) Rick has a meal and Simon’s not at the table (much harder to match on your card) !

Posted by
457 posts

Wow, that didn't take very long ... if you have any more, go ahead and add them ...some of the previous answers are a little too long for a bingo card and others happen so rarely that they would never get hit .... but they all were great and some were pretty funny ... I'll add a few more ...

83) Someone uses a paper map
84) Someone is talking on a cell phone

Posted by
3603 posts

87) Rick doesn't use any front doors at hotels, he
always goes through the "Back Door".

Posted by
203 posts

Brad - I’m reading these and chuckling, while listening to his podcast about Frankfurt and he mentioned on old higgeldy-piggledy layout and cracked up after having just read your comment. These are a delight

Posted by
2768 posts

Rick calls a street or square “people friendly”

Rick mentions Martin Luther or Lutheranism (does not apply to the episode about Luther in Germany).

Posted by
4718 posts

Rick falls of his chair drunk after too much wine during one of his Monday Night Travel sessions.