Has anyone used Rick's Quick Fresh™ Natural Odor Eliminator or the Travel Wash? Any strong opinions about them either way? I wouldn't want something with a perfumy smell.
I have used the Travel Wash and will buy again for the next trip. I too use it only for handwashing in the bathroom sink.
I use both products on every trip, and am happy with the results; neither one has a strong smell. I only use the travel wash for my clothes in the hotel sink. But it says on the bottle it can also be use as a shampoo, and hand soap. But I've never used it for that purpose.
Another vote for the Travel Wash. Haven't found anything better for sink-washing.
Thanks, y'all!
I like the Travel Wash. It does not adhere to the hands, as does most of the liquid soap in public rest rooms. Some travelers may need to bring 2 or 3 bottles of the Rick Steves' Travel Wash, because it is small. Using the Travel wash for washing hands, and washing hair, one bottle of it gets consumed in a short amount of time.
Both products are fine. You can also use camp suds from LL Bean or REI and fabreeze in a small spray bottle as substitutes.