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revisiting shoes in europe

It has been since 2009 since I have seen a post on white tennis shoes. My Grandson will be alone, he is small build and I do not want him to be a target, italy, Amsterdam, Germany and Ireland. Any thoughts? Today is my last day to get him a different pair!

Thank you.

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4307 posts

We were just in Paris and London. I was surprised at how many young people are wearing sneakers, of every type and color. I noticed quite a few Stan Smith Tennis Addias style cause I just got a new pair and was sorry I didn’t bring them cause I ended up purchasing a pair of Skechers in London cause I only brought shoes and my feet needed a change. The store was very crowded, very busy, and didn’t have my first 3 choices in stock.

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3299 posts

Everyone wears sneakers these days. But usually they are not white ones as that is impractical— they show the dirt. Black, gray, brown, beige or some other color is better.

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1044 posts

Everyone is wearing sneakers in Europe these days - tourists and locals alike.

Recently in Paris and I aw plenty of classic white leather upper "Stan Smiths" on the streets, too. I personally prefer darker shoes that don't show scuffs so easily, but your grandson will not be marked as tourist simply by his tennis shoes.

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7228 posts

We were sitting in a cafe in Colmar, FR today and my wife and I were just talking about how that old guideline no longer applies. As somebody else responded, sneakers of all varieties are seen everywhere. The same applies to shorts. Even baseball hats are more common than they used to be.

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1224 posts

I was just in Italy - Ferrara, Ravenna, and Venice - and saw plenty of young people wearing white tennis shoes. I noticed because I was aware that I was wearing heavy brown hiking shoes (the only ones in which my feet don't hurt after miles) and was watching what other people were wearing to see if I was unusual. I was. My white tennis shoes would have blended in more.

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335 posts

White sneakers are currently the height of fashion. The clunkier the better. Your grandson will not stick out in his sneaks.

Last month in Amsterdam I saw soooo many sneakers I did an unscientific observation (checked by my engineer spouse). About 75% of all the feet I observed in a day were wearing sneakers. Of that sneaker-clad sample 50% were wearing white sneakers (canvas, leather and stretch material). I was traveling with my 28 year-old daughter who was wearing … white sneakers.

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1892 posts

In addition to the above comments. It’s generally a bad idea to take brand new shoes on a trip. Much better to break them in while at home.

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1959 posts

In 2023 white tennis shoes most certainly do not make you a target in Europe. But they might make you able to run away faster! 🙂

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2793 posts

I’m sitting at a cafe in Paris.

EVERYONE is wearing white tennis shoes. I brought my black ones but I was tempted to buy a new pair of white ones today.

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10652 posts

My last trip, 10 weeks that started in August and finished at the end of October, I took a pair of white leather Ecco sneakers. I never felt out of place and they were easy to keep clean. I wish I had bought another pair there because there’s more selection of Ecco’s there than at home.

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415 posts

Young people dress similarly everywhere now thanks to social media.

And youth subcultures are a thing of the past