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Restaurant Seating

I have a question about restaurant smaller, casual types of restaurants in places like Rome, Florence, Paris, do you wait to be seated or do you seat yourself? I'll be traveling alone.

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3313 posts

Frannie - "Restaurants" imply typically more formal places where you will be seated.

At bars or cafes you can seat yourself

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1829 posts

At cafes it is polite to catch the eye of the waiter and indicate that you would like to sit down at your chosen place. Even at the more casual restaurants you should wait to be seated, reserved tables are not always signed and regulars get first dibs. Don't be afraid to ask for another table if you don't like the one you are shown, a regretful look and a smile often works wonders!

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19380 posts

In my experience, if you wait for someone to seat you in Europe, you might be standing at the door all night. Everyone just takes a seat; it's expected. Sometimes all the tables might be occupied, but there will be empty seats at an occupied table. It is polite to ask first if they mind your sitting with them. Of course, often you won't speak the same language. Just look at the empty seats with a questioning look. Usually they will gesture for you to sit down. In my opinion, this is one of the fun things about Europe, meeting stangers at the table.

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5951 posts

Lee mentions sharing tables. I know that is very common in Germany but I have not noticed that being done in Italy or France.

Typically, if it is a small restaurant, I will make eye contact with the waiter who will either come and seat you or will motion for you to choose a table. In extremely casual places like cafes with tables along the street, you will just take a seat.

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590 posts

If it is a casual restaurant you just grab your own seat. Never been a problem with me, otherwise you will be standing there for a long time!