Stan, I always say, jó napot ya'all. (translated from two languages: good day to all of you)
dont block the sidewalk. don't take photos of people, homes, vendors,
etc., without asking permission. Be discreet and respectful.
This isnt about tourism, its about common courtesy in your home town too.
don't treat places ... as photo ops.
That’s a bit hard core for me, but It doesn’t hurt.
be aware of all the language, customs ,,, and ... civility issues ...
You have to do a bunch of research to understand the customs. Like I am respectful and understanding when a person from another country visits me in Texas, I sort of expect that people in France are equally as understanding. So, should your wife say thank you and shake the Rabbi's hand at the end of the tour? Sometimes impossible to know what you dont know.
recognize that at best I am being tolerated, not celebrated ...
Maybe, maybe some appreciate the business you bring them. They are big kids; they know the cost of that business is a lot understanding of people that don’t know their home. I lived in a tourist city in Texas and that’s pretty much the attitude there. I hope for the same in other places.
don't expect to be entertained.
Sitting and watching the people go by is one of my favorite forms of entertainment. So is talking to waiters and taxi drivers.
there's always something else to do or someplace else to visit, ....
In the end, nobody else really cares what I did on vacation and if I
saw the "must sees".
I don’t travel for other people either. I do it for myself and I go where I am interested in going.
But there isnt a single point you made that is wrong in my view. They just require a bit of thought. .