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Rental car nightmare continues!

September 2023 hubby rented a car from Sixt for a day to drive from Kontanz to Passau Germany. When he picked up the car it had multiple scratches and one huge scrape. He took video of the car when he picked it up and again when he dropped off the car.

Then March 2024 we received a bill from Riverty stating we owed 2,276,60 Euro. We contacted them and told them we had proof of the damage that had been done before we rented the car. They said they would let Sixt know. We also tried to call Sixt here in the US as well as in Germany. No help! We heard nothing and figured it would go away! Wrong. Yesterday we received a notice that we owe $2,713 to Global Debt Solutions!

We have not idea what to do now. We feel very stuck as we have had no success resolving this.

Any advice??

Posted by
4744 posts

Is there any German or EU government agency responsible for consumer complaints? Or a govt agency that regulates rental car companies? If so, a complaint to the agency might work wonders. I had an issue with a US phone company scam and got nowhere until I reported it to my state's consumer protection agency and then it was amazing how quickly the company fixed the problem and someone relatively high up in the company contacted me.

Posted by
3532 posts

I recommend to talk to Sixt via lawyer or directly before they come to the idea to turn this into a crime process, e. g. fraud or something.

Do you have the receiving protocol for the car? Does ist mention all or minimum part of the prior existing scratches in detail (position, length, ...)?

Germany has also specialised lawyers for traffic related law. German ADAC (comparable to AAA) has contracts with some of them (search page).

There is also a European conciliation service but I would pefer taking a lawyer.

Posted by
597 posts

Who was your insurance through for the rental? Was it your credit card? If so, I would try to see if you can dispute this with your card. I'm not sure, as it seems it has gone to a collection agency very quickly if that will work, but usually I would have expected to be notified of a claim prior to them sending to collections. I would also make a solid effort to connect again with Sixt, and keep a log of any calls, and any emails sent to them if you are thinking of a lawyer.

I think as well that you could let the new collection agency know that you dispute this claim and ask them for any documentation that they have on the claim. I doubt they will have any. Maybe that would make them go away.
Do you know for sure that the claim is for the scrape on the car?

Posted by
1960 posts

We were never told what the claim was for. We received some document in German but don't know what it said. It looked like just the car listed and cost of damage, without explanation, and how much it would increase if we didn't pay. It was attached to the communication we had with Riverty. We thought we handled it with Riverty but then when we didn't hear back we thought they had settled it. Silly us!!

Hubby didn't keep the documents because he didn't think there was any issue and we received all this months later. He only had the car for one day, and he didn't do any damage. He drove it from point A to point B.

If they have sent us to collections then do you think it is a lost cause now? We don't want to pay for something we didn't do. He used our AMEx card with the insurance purchase.

Should we deal with the collection agency now or try to go back to Sixt ? We had been unsuccessful with them so far.

Posted by
1179 posts

Sixt I know. Riverty, what’s that?
Car rented in Sept 23 with bill March 24. Too much time passed. Car could have been rented multiple times. On acceptance of return with no documentation of damage, I feel it is a lost cause for Riverty, Sixt? Ignore, or request details of damage and cost and why not noted in Sep on return of car.
What’s up with that? You return a car and if it is accepted, the. It is all done. Otherwise who knows where and what that vehicle did.

Posted by
8699 posts

Be VERY careful if you contact the collections agency as your call will be recorded and they will not hesitate to use anything you say (or email) against you. Also, they have NO incentive to work with you as their fee is based on what they collect from you. I honestly wouldn't bother unless you want to try and settle it. Sometimes collection agencies will reduce the debt in order to get a one-time payment from the debtor, rather than monthly dribs and drabs.

I would suggest finding an international attorney that might be able to help you (or at least give you 30 minutes of advice for a fee). Or you could possibly search for a German firm that helps consumers who has English-speaking attorneys.

Also, keep in mind that a collections agency should have no legal authority to take you to court. The worst they can do is harass you, and there are limits as to what they can do in terms of harassment. Check your state laws. Usually you can find info on consumer law on the Secretary of State website so check California's. The debt also might show up on your credit report, so it wouldn't hurt to get a free credit report from the 3 main agencies and check to see if there is anything there.

Posted by
8699 posts

One thing I'm curious about - did Sixt ever contact you? Or was your first notice from Riverty? I tried to look for your previous thread to get some details but it looks like it has disappeared. Regardless, Sixt is obligated to provide notice to you of any damage and what you owed. Riverty is a basically a German collections agency, so you have the same issue with them you will have with the US one. They have no obligation or desire to work things out and reduce your debt because that reduces their fee.

Posted by
1960 posts

Oh my goodness Mardee! Thank you for your reply! I was just going to email the collection company.

No, we only received something from Riverty telling us to pay now or the fees would increase. We did call them and told them we had proof it wasn't something we did. Then now from the US collection company. With this collection company they included German paperwork but to me it appears to only show line items of things I don't understand, and nothing that would indicate an explanation of damages. They listed the fees and how it would increase with non payment.

What happens if we do nothing? Bad idea? I was able to check 2 out of 3 credit reports and nothing shows right now.

I also couldn't find my old post- it seems to have disappeared.

Posted by
2937 posts

Was that the post about the manual transmission that self-destructed? If so, it was probably moderated off for being off-topic.

But, is this the same rental? In any event, you need to check with your state law, your state AG's or Consumer Affairs Office can advise, whether a foreign collection agency going after a foreign debt has any enforcement ability on a foreign judgment (assuming they even obtained one) here. I am certain in my state (PA) they would not. I actually had some experience with this couple years ago when there was an inside raid into a medical clinic's records that produced a Swiss collection agency dunning for a non-existent (as in falsified, we were well aware of every transaction we had had with that practice for years) debt. They gave bank data in Florida to transfer the money to. A bit of research and reaching that bank revealed not only the plot but also that the collector had no authority here whatsoever.

Posted by
1960 posts

We’ve never had any damage to any rental car we’ve had, so that must have been someone else.

Thanks everyone for the advice and suggestions!

Posted by
3532 posts

We’ve never had any damage to any rental car we’ve had, so that must have been someone else.

If another person damaged the rental car while you were renting it (and disappeared illegally, German "Fahrerflucht") then you are in charge. Therefore check the both protocols of car handovers (start and end of rental time) and get in contact with them.

Posted by
8699 posts

Then now from the US collection company. With this collection company they included German paperwork but to me it appears to only show line items of things I don't understand, and nothing that would indicate an explanation of damages. They listed the fees and how it would increase with non payment.

Susan, if you don't want to just ignore it (and I certainly understand why you wouldn't), you might try getting the German documents translated and taking them, along with the documents from the US collections agency, to a local attorney who represents debtors and find out what they think your options might be. It won't help you with the original German debt and the issues there, but they can at least tell you what your liability is under US law.

I don't know how good your German is but you can translate PDF documents using Google Translate.

Posted by
371 posts

I think I understand that you used the insurance benefit on your Amex card to cover the CDW, right? If so, I would also reach out to their claims department. I use them also, and I have had to contact them a couple of times regarding rental car issues. They were very knowledgeable and helpful in advising me.

Posted by
1085 posts

This may not be helpful to the OP, but maybe for others reading this thread it will give them pause.

I stopped renting cars in Europe a long time ago, more than a decade ago, over just such BS as this...that, and the mysterious traffic violation notices people report receiving from a foreign rental, months and sometimes a year or more after the rental. No thanks, I do without a rental these days when constructing a trip itinerary in Europe or elsewhere abroad.

Once upon a time, at least in the US, when you rented a car, it likely had minimal mileage on it, and minimal damage and unattended maintenance issues. Things changed more or less with the Great Recession (2007-09) and car rental companies stopped the practice of buying cars and holding them in their rental inventory for just a few months before selling them. Ever since then, it is much more likely when you rent a car, it will have upwards of 30k or more miles on it, and with that mileage, lots of dents and dings, not to mention maintenance issues.

I recently had a one day local rental from Enterprise. After leaving the lot, I noticed that the vehicle tire warning light indicated one of the tires was overinflated, north of 55 pounds was this a faulty monitor, or a dangerously overinflated tire? I pulled off the road and did a visual examination of the tires and did not notice anything indicating overinflation, and I only planned to drive the car about 20 miles total, but that damn light bothered me. If I had been using it for an extended trip / high mileage, I would have returned it, but I rolled the dice. When I turned it in, the rental desk clerk said he would note it, but who knows if anything was done...he didn't note anything in my presence.

I don't have many occasions to rent a car anymore, but when I do, I do a thorough exam of the vehicle with photos, and I return to the rental desk to discuss the damage I see, and request not just assurance but documentation that the damage I see has been noted in the records. I use my Chase Sapphire car when renting a vehicle, and knock on wood, I have never had any disputes with any car rental at home or abroad in over 40 years of renting, but at least if it happens here in the US, I am counting on Chase and US consumer protections to shield me from frivolous claims. And that is the problem, as I see it, dealing with car rentals in a foreign country.

Posted by
3532 posts

you can translate PDF documents using Google Translate.

Especially in such cases I recommend better using DeepL which is originally from a German team, familiar with the special vocabulary.

car rental companies stopped the practice of buying cars and holding them in their rental inventory

Not valid for the big German rental car companies. The fleet management and rental car companies have known dealers for the cars from this type of usage, e. g. Auto 1 or Dat Autohus. Sometimes the manufacturers are reselling them as well, e. g. BMW via B&K but Sixt for example is documented as first owner in the papers.

thorough exam of the vehicle

Always the right approach. I like to add to meticulously check the handover protocol when you rent the car; Is every damage and scratch in- and outside the car noted in this paper? If not, return to the desk and let them change it or let somebody go with you to the car to check the protocol. This plus photos around and inside the car before driving of tje first meter can protect you well if you do the same at return.

Posted by
144 posts

I’m not in the US, but I think this would very straightforward.

You contact Amex and make a claim.
Provide the information they require..
Amex deals with it.
If they resolve it, you pay the excess to Amex (I think you call this the deductible?)
If Amex conclude no claim, then you pay nothing.
If the claim is rejected….then you look at other options.

No need for lawyers, senators, or collection agencies.

Posted by
1960 posts

I was able to use google translate and the only thing that is stated is, "repair cost calculation" then it says 1,961 Euro and then with VAT 372 Euro. Otherwise it just lists the info about the car- VW Golf, license plate, registration etc.

Our first and only communication in March of 2024 was directly from the German collection company so never did we have a chance to show proof there was damage to begin with. And, nothing to indicate what damage was done, only what we owe. Hubby said the guy gave him the keys and pointed to the car. He took video of the damage (which was clearly there before he even drove). The BIG mistake was not calling the employee over to go over the car with him and note the damage. Then, he drove from point A-B and never stopped before he dropped it off that same day to a different location in Germany in a lot with no employee.

Now I recall hubby did call AmEx and they said Sixt has a lot of scams. I suspect they don't repair these damaged cars and then find people like us to pin the blame on, probably over and over. That is my guess.

We have rented cars probably a dozen times in Europe because we love the freedom to roam into small villages and be on our own time line. We will continue to rent cars, but a lesson learned here for sure!

At this point, I'm thinking about just doing nothing. What do you all think about that??

Posted by
10517 posts

Your husband took video before he drove the car off the lot that shows the damage that was there ?

Posted by
2937 posts

Check state law and if foreign debt collection cannot do anything in your state, then ignore. Sixt is not going to take you into German court to enforce their alleged claim, that is why they sold this to a collection agency. Your state AG 's office and Consumer Affairs office (they should be linked together) can give you the answer to this question via phone. no need to hire an attorney.

And for all - the reminder that you NEVER drive off in a rental car without documenting its condition with the agency. No matter what your hurry. They would never have tried this had there been paper documentation. And if documenting various defects, then date/time stamped photos when returning the car to show the condition matches what was previously documented.

Posted by
1960 posts

Thank you all who have helped us. We appreciate your time in responding to us.

Yes, Kim, there was very clear damage, including a significant scrape before he drove off. In the video he took he noted small scrapes in a few laces and a major one. Huge mistake in not going back to the attendant.

But, isn’t it odd that we’ve never had a chance to dispute the claim??

Posted by
3532 posts

But, isn’t it odd that we’ve never had a chance to dispute the claim??

Everybody has the chance when checking the receiving protocol at car return. Furthermore you could just ask Sixt about it. Imo what you do seems like guessing, ignoring and complaining behavior.

Posted by
144 posts

I would confirm your claim with Amex and await their outcome.

It really is this easy.

Posted by
10853 posts

Handing it to Amex will open a claim and that's admitting causing damage.
However, Susan, ask Mardee, but I think you should call Amex. You do have the video, I hope.

The protocol in France would be to go to the mediator, as MarkK has linked. If it were being handled in Germany, that would be the step before involving a lawyer.

It would be helpful if Roberto could chime in because he has given his opinions on what these collection agencies can actually do. If I remember correctly, he said it was nothing.

Posted by
241 posts

Definitely contact Amex. If the damage claim were legitimate then they (or their underwriter) would have to cover it under the CDW, so they have an incentive to help fight it. I suspect this is one of Sixt’s scams - they don’t ever repair the damage, they just charge for it over and over! Good luck!

Posted by
144 posts

‘Handing it to Amex will open a claim and that's admitting causing damage’

This is not correct (unless US insurance is incredibly different), I’d love someone to confirm or otherwise , so I can avoid misinformation and I will delete.

Opening a claim will merely open a claim! if there is found to be no claim, then you request the claim is closed and nothing is against you . If there is a claim then it will be resolved. Admitting liability only happens if, as part of the claims process you document that ‘it was my fault’. If you don’t say that, then there is no admission (here, that still wouldn’t mean it’s your fault until proven, but I guess that could be different in the US).

Posted by
8699 posts

I’m not in the US, but I think this would very straightforward. ... No need for lawyers, senators, or collection agencies.

With all due respect, I don't think it is so straightforward as just needing to contact AMEX. You've indicated you don't know the laws of this country and having a collection agency based in the US come after you for a claim is significant. She and Monty had no choice in this.

Furthermore you could just ask Sixt about it. Imo what you do seems like guessing, ignoring and complaining behavior.

Susan was pretty clear that they tried to contact Sixt and were never successful.

And for all of you who are saying contact AMEX, in my experience most credit companies have a deadline to file the claim after you receive notice, and you need documentation from the rental car company. I realize they did not legally receive notice (that I understand from what happened), but I still doubt that AMEX is going to do anything without documentation showing the damages. Having said that, I don't think it would hurt to call AMEX, let them know what happened and find out if they have any recourse. There is no danger in that.

Posted by
144 posts

Of course, as I said I will delete with confirmation that I am incorrect.

We all just writing from our own experience ;) and do not know all the facts and in my case the local laws :)

Posted by
144 posts

Here are the Amex car rental insurance t&cs :

Under page 5 How to claim: A and B is sets the time limitations and how to claim. I also would expect a phone call to AMEX will confirm if there is any issue with proceeding.

I’m just hoping if I turn out to have been helpful that’ll save worry and unnecessary additional costs, legal fees and time.

Posted by
295 posts

Since you asked about ignoring the claim and doing nothing, I will say that is exactly what I would do. You have solid proof that the damage to the car was preexisting. I suspect that Sixt sold or assigned the claim to Riverty to attempt collection. I do not think that Riverty will try to collect a German claim in the USA as the legal costs are not justified. If they post anything against your credit score, there is a procedure to challenge that with your proof that the car was damaged when you got it. I would not waste another moment of worry. Life goes on. But never rent from Sixt again, you are probably on their black list anyway.

Posted by
1960 posts

Here is an update:

I talked at length to American Express. We charged the rental with them and always purchase the Premium Car Rental Insurance. They told me this happens ALL THE TIME and the majority in Europe. It sounds like we have a covered claim (but I guess that remains to be seen as the process goes on) They are aware that we did no damage. We will file the claim, and then contact the Global Dept Solutions here in the states and give them our claim number and AMEX information and tell them the claim is being handled by them. If all goes well the claim will pay out directly to the collection agency.

I think I just got to the right person and better information today than when hubby called them on a couple of occasions trying to deal with this.

I hope this goes smooth and it can be behind us. But, note to self...never rent from Sixt, alway have damage in writing before leaving the lot (which we have always done except this occasion) and never drop off the car in an unmanned lot, if possible. Plus...keep buying the premium insurance for the $18. Case closed, I hope!

Posted by
8699 posts

Susan, that’s great! I hope that you don’t have any further worries with a collection agency. I really like American Express, so I’m glad that they’re coming through for you. Very good news!

Posted by
241 posts

Another thing to consider is that the Claims department for Amex’ coverage has way more visibility into what’s going on. I suspect they can search claims for that vehicle across lots of carriers, so if Sixt is pulling a scam and charging multiple customers for the same damage they will spot that and push back on the collection company.

Posted by
130 posts

never rent from Sixt

A corollary: I have found Sixt to be a GREAT company in the US. I just had a week rental in Hawaii and the damage report form was first rate: you get a bar code at car delivery that brings up on your phone a multi-view online diagram of all four views with all the damage marked and described on it, with the option of adding damage. Perfect! Sixt also won’t charge one way fees within multistate regions. It’s really a great company in the US.

Additional note: The state of California lowers the Amex premium insurance charge, it’s more than $18 for the rest of us.

always have damage in writing before leaving the lot

In Sacramento recently I rented from Hertz and noticed once out of shade where the car was delivered that the windshield was cracked. I went back to report the damage and the person at the Hertz counter said, “we have no method to record existing damage on the vehicles.” So I wrote the damage out longhand and had her sign it. So sometimes easier said then done.

Posted by
1085 posts

I talked at length to American Express. We charged the rental with them and always purchase the Premium Car Rental Insurance. They told me this happens ALL THE TIME and the majority in Europe.

This is the #1 takeaway from the OP's conversation with AMEX: It happens all the time, the majority in Europe.


In Sacramento recently I rented from Hertz and noticed once out of shade where the car was delivered that the windshield was cracked. I went back to report the damage and the person at the Hertz counter said, “we have no method to record existing damage on the vehicles.” So I wrote the damage out longhand and had her sign it. So sometimes easier said then done.

I have had similar experiences through the years and find it absurd they say they can't record existing damage on a vehicle. When I recently rented a one day local vehicle at Enterprise (I mentioned it higher up in this thread), at the rental counter I was handed the keys with no paperwork - they email the paperwork/contract to you. Once upon a time they handed you a printed out contract. With that paperwork in hand, when I found a problem on a car, I would return to the rental desk and in the very least have them note and sign my copy of the contract with my notes RE damage. When I would return the vehicle, I would show that to the attendant who was noting the condition of the car, or if it was a simple drop off and leave the keys situation, I would show it to someone at the desk, show them before and after photos of the vehicle condition, etc.

I don't know what else someone can do, other than purchase zero deductible coverage from the agency. I have done that on occasion, too, particularly on one way rentals. I rent very few vehicles anymore because of these issues, and I no longer rent when abroad. The AMEX rep's confirmation of the problems in Europe confirm what I have always known about that...

Posted by
588 posts

So, in conclusion, "never rent a car in Europe" and most certainly not from Sixt.

How about this instead. If you rent a car (anywhere) you must take care of the details. If there is pre-rental damage, immediately report it to the rental agency. Taking a few pictures or making a video and then driving off with it is not the right thing to do. You are taking ownership of those problems as soon as you drive away.
From my personal experience, Sixt has been a really outstanding company to deal with. I would not want someone to land on this thread and conclude that you should not rent from them.

Posted by
4414 posts

We rent cars often in Europe and use various companies, no loyalty to one, we go with price and car availability. Anyway, we always go over car with someone and they record the scratches etc, as do we. We then get a signed copy or an email copy.
When returning we try not to go to unmanned drop off sites and have them sign the off on the car.

Posted by
1960 posts

I’m very glad other people have rented from Sixt and had good experiences.

Over many years on this forum I recall many people reporting bad experiences with Sixt in Europe. So long ago, I decided to never rent from them as I planned out trips. But, Monte didn’t know when he planned his trip. So I guess it wasn’t a big surprise to me when we had our issues. I suppose it happens with a lot of rental companies and hopefully it’s a rare occurrence. I probably won’t rent from them again, but I’m glad to hear that they seem like a good company.

Posted by
8616 posts

I have rented several times in Europe and after a bad experience with Europcar, I stick to US companies like Budget, Avis or Hertz and have never had a problem with them.

Posted by
1476 posts

Conversely, we rented from Budget in the UK and had a crap experience, including being substantially overcharged upon returning the vehicle. There's no magic bullet.

Posted by
1973 posts

I would write a letter explaining the entire situation to Sixt corporate. Include pre and post pictures and detail the event. Don't hire a lawyer, the cost is prohibitive, you would only win on principle in the end. I would advise Sixt if this collection agency does not stop harassing you, you will have no choice but to contact the Better Business Bureau here in the US and whatever comparable entity in Germany. Also, you will take your case to the public as well on Facebook and other social media to explain the situation. Turn the tables on them. Be the aggressor, but be absolutely sure your case is air tight. DO NOT COMMUNICATE WITH THE COLLECTION AGENCY ANY LONGER.

EDITED: Riverty is a collection company in Germany and Global Debt Solutions is a collection company in the US (FL). Obviously, Riverty is using Global Debt to collect in the US. Global Debt charges a 20% fee if successful.

If you paid for full damage coverage, that should be indicated on your rental agreement copy. That should end the case there with Sixt to call off the debt collection with Riverty and Global Debt. If your AMEX has full damage coverage except a deductible, AMEX will deal with Global Solutions on your behalf or they should. Global will no doubt put this on your credit rating so you may want to check that and work that side as well to have that removed.

The car rental agency wanted to fix up the car for sale and most likely picked you as a target to charge the repairs. Good thing you have before and after video. This will take a long time to clear up. I would still contact Sixt and tell them what I mentioned above because this could be some franchise pulling a fast one. This happens all the time especially to Americans who they assume will have no documentation a year later.

It looks like a learning for us all when we rent. Not only take a video, but record the conversation with the attendant and film a picture of them as well and ask for a name on video. What a PITA.

Good luck.

Posted by
3030 posts

I have a question Susan and Monte. Did Monte rent through Andy Bestor, Gemut? I ask as I had an issue years ago with being charged for a day we never even had the rental car in Germany. All I had to do was email Andy Bestor and he took care of it all for me.

Posted by
75 posts

I have no advice really, just want to commiserate with you. I rented a car from Sixt in Scotland in May 2023 and had a 5 month battle with them over supposed damage. I could never get in touch with a live person and emails would go unanswered. The good news is that my credit card did finally cover the cost of the damage. Fingers crossed it all works out positively for you!

Disclaimer- I am not implying that Sixt is a terrible company. I have had my fair share of issues with Budget in the US as well. They seem to like the bogus "dog hair found in car" charge, as it has happened to me multiple times!

Posted by
1960 posts

Hi Paul,

No, it was not Gemut. These days we generally use AutoEurope, but this time Monte saw an offer thru while he was booking his hotels. So, it wasn’t easy and quick for him, so he booked it.

We will still rent cars because we love the freedom, but we’ll be a lot more careful for sure!!

Posted by
1068 posts

First of all it is VERY important to understand that this is civil law and common law and most certainly no US common law, which means many of the comments on here should be ignored!

Next you need to establish what kind of debt is being collected. Has the renal company simply sold the debt to the agency or is there a legally established debt under German law being collected. You need to check the documents you got in German for this. You can use the Google Translate App on your phone to photograph the documents and it will translate them for you.

The worst outcome for you would be that there is an established debt under German law, it proceeds to the criminal stage and that a judge directs your name be entered on the Schengen System. At that point you'd have a criminal record and be barred from entering the Schengen Area and by extension you'd have difficulties getting visas for other countries. So this is not something to be ignored.

Once you have established the nature of the debt and the stage of the process, you'll need to decide which is cheaper - hiring a German lawyer or simple paying the debt and learning the lesson.

You should never take a damaged European rental car without having it acknowledged on the agreement. Civil law, which we have in most of Europe is very different to Common Law when it comes to this stuff.

Posted by
1973 posts

Hubby didn't keep the documents because he didn't think there was any issue and we received all this months later.

Therein lies a potential problem. You need to request from Riverty, Sixt and Global a copy of any documentation showing why you owe money to Sixt and have them translated if need be. You need a copy of your signed rental agreement and receipt as well. Remember, Sixt started this whole thing. Riverty and Global are just collection agencies. If AMEX will pay this charge to Global Debt Solutions than all should be okay. However, if you are counting on AMEX to fight your battle for you, I would not hold my breath. They handle 1,000's of these and other type of issues. This will not be a priority for them, just another case.

If it were me, I would secure all the documentation possible from Sixt, Riverty and Global. Then make sure you understand what they all are stating. I would respond to all three with the same exact response issuing the before and after videos of the car you rented and show you did not cause any additional damage.

I would keep emailing with all three weekly to ask if the issue has been resolved until one of them, especially Sixt says they have cleared the action against you. I would want the same answer clearing you from Riverty and Global. Especially Global, as they would be more than likely, being a US company, report you on a credit rating. I would do this every single week and document your email communications to all of them. You have to be persistent, otherwise it will not just go away and Global will keep hounding you because they get a commission if it is paid by either you or AMEX.

Keep in mind you have no case without documentation. It doesn't matter if you FEEL you are right. You have to document it. Having those pre and post videos, which I hope are dated, are priceless. That is most of the battle and as I said I would email the party that contacted you weekly with the same information and video copies asking if it has been resolved.

You have to be relentless on Sixt, Riverty and Global. I personally would copy any higher up executive's emails I could find. You would be surprised how much action happens when VP's or CEO's keep getting emails asking for results. I know they have assistant's, but if your emails are polite and courteous and show concern about the mistake made, assistants will get that in front of their boss. I have personally seen it happen. Again, good luck.

Posted by
1960 posts

I do appreciate the input from all of you! I will take note of suggestions and keep them all in mind as we go forward.

Thank you!

Posted by
10517 posts

note to self...never rent from Sixt, alway have damage in writing before leaving the lot (which we have always done except this occasion) and never drop off the car in an unmanned lot, if possible. Plus...keep buying the premium insurance for the $18.

And keep all documentation for a couple of years.

Posted by
10853 posts

He may not have kept all the documents, but he surely still has a copy of what he sent the first agency with the videos attached.

Posted by
384 posts

Not only take pictures/video of the exterior, but interior too.

I rented a car from Hertz. No issues, no damage. I returned it. Then I get a call from a company stating that Hertz is filing a claim against me. What? The headrest in the back seat was missing. Yeah, right, I want a headrest. I told them to check other renter agreements for people who had car seats. Maybe the cleaners took it out and didn't put it back in. Who knows but I was ticked that my time was wasted and also the aggravation.

I also found out that although I was using Hertz, they appear to be franchisees. So you aren't really dealing with the company, but a franchisee.

Posted by
3030 posts

This has been enlightening. If I ever find anything wrong before I take a car, I’ll take the time to get photos and go back to the rental counter.

Posted by
1960 posts

Here is an update:

We FINALLY received the paperwork, all in German, via email from the Global Dept Solutions here in the US. We had never seen the claim but figured it was a large scrape we knew was there. We have sent all our photos, video etc to Sixt with no response whatsoever. We also sent it to the Debt collector and today they replied and said the video shows we did not do the damage and they will be sending it to Sixt and they will close the case in their office. So....hopefully we are getting somewhere. But, I don't assume anything.

Posted by
130 posts

I’ll take the time to get photos and go back to the rental counter.

I have had 2 Thrifty rentals in the past week and neither had any way to report existing damage, I went back to the counter and they just say take pictures. Basically I’m saying that in the US going back to the counter with damage info is fruitless.

Glad to hear things are trending well for the OP.

Posted by
12259 posts

going back to the counter with damage info is fruitless.

That has been my experience since at least 2019.

All they say is "take photos"

Good to see 'facts' are finally prevailing

Posted by
1973 posts

Basically I’m saying that in the US going back to the counter with damage info is fruitless.

My only experience with a car rental company in the US as a stickler on damages is Enterprise-Rent-A-Car. In Europe though, I would document the daylights out of the interior and exterior because this OP's post is not unusual.

Posted by
12259 posts

in the US as a stickler on damages is Enterprise-Rent-A-Car.

I concur. Enterprise INSPECTS the car with a magnifying glass.

I once returned a car at a slow period and 3 staff descended on the car at once. One immediately got on his hands and knees to look at the front air dam and announced it was damaged. You had to be on hands and knees to see it. There was nothing visible on the front on the car to cause one to choose to look under it. That particular car had a really low air dam so if one drove over anything bigger than a tennis ball it would hit it. I had to get a manager to come over as I pointed out I had the car for only a few hours and had driven less than 30 miles; I knew it hadn't happened while I had the car. The manager did the right thing, but ever since ERAC has been my last choice when looking for a rental car.

Any of the other companies I used at that location did little more than walk around the car to make sure all the wheels and doors were still attached.