Has anyone had experience with this scenario:
- Buy trip insurance from reputable company
- Add optional rental car damage coverage
- File a claim for car damage
If so, what was the result?
We'll be renting a car in England for 6 days of a 16 day trip. Seven Corners trip insurance offers $50,000 optional rental car damage for $7/day, for the days we specify, so don't have to pay for days without a car. That's a great deal considering that CDW through the car rental company costs $25+ per day.
However, I worry about claims processing. I assume there's more hassle with a third party than would be from the rental company. A few years ago I read an account of someone who used his credit card for rental car damage overseas. When he filed a claim, his card company insisted on an itemized bill. The rental company provided only a generalized bill -- parts, labor, tax, total. He had spent three months trying to sort it out but neither company would budge. The last I heard he had to pay out of pocket and hadn't been reimbursed. So I'm torn between saving almost $20/day and risking an administrative hassle.
The policy clause is below but it doesn't say anything about the claims process, nor have I been able to determine it online.
The Insured is eligible for benefits up to the Maximum Benefit Amount per reservation if the Insured rents a car while on
the Trip, and the car is damaged due to collision, theft, vandalism, windstorm, fire, hail, flood or any cause not in the
Insured’s control while in the Insured’s possession, or the car is stolen while in the Insured’s possession and is not
The Company will pay the lesser of:
a. The cost of repairs and rental charges imposed by the rental company while the car is being repaired; or
b. The Actual Cash Value of the car, meaning purchase price less depreciation; or
c. The amount shown on the Schedule.
Coverage is provided to the Insured, provided the Insured and Traveling Companions are licensed drivers, and are listed
on the rental agreement.