I was going through a box of stuff from my childhood and early 20s and found a few things that I thought this group might find humorous. My first trip to Europe in 1983 was with a church group from Aspen.
First the map of Europe- East and West Germany, Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, etc.- my how that map changed in the last 34 years.
I didn't even remember that I'd written a journal - But here are some funny quotes from that first trip and my perspective visiting my first foreign countries. Seems that most of these observations are not that different today.
"Arrived in Frankfurt airport an hour late. All signs are in English and German"
"I'm amazed at the number of Americans we've seen so far."
In Munich "tried to get into a Disco, but the first one didn't like our tennis shoes"
End of week one" we are losing conception of days and time"
"We are definitely wearing out the soles of our shoes"
"Italian showers wet down the whole bathroom-strange!"
in Florence "took a nap after checking in. I'm really starting to feel exhausted."
Rome " and yes Martin (bus driver) definitely can not drive, especially with these drivers. There must be a lot of accidents"
After 10 days my journal ended.
Have you looked at photo albums, scrapbooks, journals from past trips recently? What fun things have you come across?