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Remember the thread about the electronic luggage locator?

I posted it several months ago. For those who don't remember, my ex ( who has never met an electronic device he hasn't loved), bought me this electronic luggage locator system- you put a small band on your checked suitcase handle, you have a hand-held fob, and it works the same as your car key fob does when you've lost your car in the WalMart parking lot. At the time, no one here on the HelpLine really thought it was necessary - or useful - and I agreed. I know what it's for. When we arrived in Frankfurt on 12/16 - they had just closed the airport and cancelled all connecting flights out. So I stood in the Information Line for an hour , where (bless her heart) she really didn't have any information for anyone, but she did tell me they would give me vouchers so we could take the train to Nuremburg. ME - "That's great - tell me how to get my luggage and we'll be on our way" LUFTHANSA - "Sorry - we'll have to send your luggage later. Your bags are in a big holding area and we don't have any means or the manpower to locate them" I guess if I'd used that darn thing - they could have "beeped" our suitcases and we could have been out of there. So, that is the use for the luggage locator system. However - I had already re-gifted it. BTW - I took someone's advice here and bought a neon-rainbow luggage strap. Worked like a charm.

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32227 posts

Elaine, I agree with Frank. It's very doubtful they would have had the time or the staff to allow you into the luggage area, so under the circumstances the Luggage Locator would have been useless. It's an interesting idea, but I'm not sure really practical. Cheers!

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23351 posts

Sounds good but doubt if it would have worked. I am guessing they would not have allowed you in the luggage area to look nor would someone be willing to take the device and use it. My car thing is only good for a few dozen yards and I would assume that is a similar range for the locator. I believe it is a good solution looking for an equally good problem.

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19118 posts

I have no problem finding my luggage. I just put my hand behind my back. Pack light enough to carry on, and you won't need a luggage locator.

Posted by
989 posts

Lee - I am trying to get there - but I'm still packing work-in-process. I marvel at people like Toni whoe luggage weighs under 10 pounds while that's probably what my purse weighs. However I went from a 28" to a 24" on this trip - so I am making progress.. I agree with the other posts - it was a useless little doodad, and I was really just trying to be tongue-in-cheek.