To isn31c: correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that the U.S. government’s announcement in early 2023 was that the latest Covid booster vaccination was only available in the U.S.A. to seniors over 65, and the most vulnerable. I qualified, but my husband didn’t, before our Ireland trip in May.
As for Americans getting a booster shot every X months, that’s not my understanding. Since late 2020, there have been occasional announcements that citizens would be allowed to get the latest booster. Sometimes there were age or other restrictions, sometimes it was anyone. A person’s health insurance, plus the vaccination provider, determined if there was any out-of-pocket cost to the patient for the jab.
But there’s been no program for regularly scheduled new shots. The thing is, if only 1 American in 6 bothered to get a booster, most people here aren’t bothering. For Americans, they seemingly can’t give shots away. Local libraries were supplying free masks and home Covid test kits for some time, but I believe that’s dwindling somewhat now, too.
I wonder whether the vaccination percentage is any higher for Americans on flights, than the overall national average? There’s been no limit on eligibility for flu shots that I know of in the U.S., but I wonder whether many people have not been getting those, either.