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Re: Cycling Down the Romantische Strasse - Slow Loading?

Is anyone else having a problem opening this thread? For the past two days, when I open it, my computer locks up! No issues with anything else.

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10344 posts

Steve: I'm guessing that the problem you're having with slow page loading is caused by the first post in that thread, which contains a huge link to an entire book.

Posted by
345 posts

Kent - that is what I was thinking. Links and images are all well and good, but it slows down the page load. They should be used sparingly, in my opinion. I would rather that "Other Steve" provide a link to click on, rather than having the link automatically try to load on this web site.

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10344 posts

Yes, just posting a link to the object, instead of an imbed of the object itself, should solve the problem. Maybe the Other Steve will read this?

Posted by
9369 posts

I have been having the same problem at times. I agree that links are great and the occasional image is fine, but I don't think it is necessary to embed pictures just because you CAN when it slows everything down. A good example of this is the post about renting a motorcycle in Ireland. A link is given to a company that rents motorcycles, which is fine. But there is also an unnecessary large photo of a motorcycle.

Posted by
345 posts

I agree, Nancy. And guess who posted that one...hmmmm? I don't mean to start a war, but "just because you can" is not a reason to go to excess. We are duly impressed with some people's computer skills, but let's keep to a minimum and only do it when it actually provides some useful information.


Posted by
345 posts

Follow-up. I found a way to read that post. As soon as the page came up (I mean immediately!), I hit the Escape button and it stopped the "War and Peace" imbedded link from loading.

Posted by
10344 posts

Steve (of Pacific Palisades): Steve, thank you! That will solve the problem others are having with slow page loading.