I’ve been thinking about the following for a while. Tom’s posting today of “Most overrated?” has convinced me this a good time to open this topic, here goes:
In the time I’ve been a user of the RS Forum, I’ve become a bit dismayed at the number of original posts that read like this: “I will be in X country for Y days. Is it worthwhile in my limited time to see Z sight?” I’ve noticed that some sights seem to be asked about repetitively. And I observe that replies tend not to provide a uniform set of advice back to the OPs - not surprising since there is a big diversity of opinions among forum users. So, I wonder if the OPs are really gaining much help in deciding. I wonder if there is a better, more efficient approach to help the people seeking this type of advice, instead of asking similar questions in this Forum repetitively.
Rick already provides his own summarized advice on major sights as seen in the “pyramid” ratings in the At A Glance feature in guidebooks and this website. I’m wondering if the RS website can provide a place where the community can easily input summarized ratings of “high value” tourist sights so that those seeking advice beyond Rick’s can see quickly what the commenting community thinks. I’m visualizing something like the Amazon customer review rating system. There anyone can enter 1-5 stars to summarize their rating of a product along with some text explaining their rating. Similar rating systems appear on many websites.
I’m suggesting to the Webmaster that he consider this concept as a new feature of the RS website. Visualize it as a feature separate from the Forum. It’s most prominent link would be on the RS homepage. Alongside the current links to Explore Europe, Our Tours, etc. there could be a link called Community Ratings. Of course the Webmaster could have other links on other pages. Clicking the link takes the user to a scrollable page that lists major sights, listed by country in alphabetical order. Logged-in commenters could add their rating of 1-5 stars and short comments for specific sights. Those desiring to see ratings could scroll the list and see summaries - e.g. “Book of Kells: 845 reviewers, average 3.7 stars”. For more detail, those users could click on a link to see notes from particular commenters, e.g. "2 stars, we spent 3 hours in line and we saw only 2 pages - disappointing”.
To best help those seeking the “worthwhileness” of tourist sights, this feature should include only legitimate tourist attractions, e.g. museums, art galleries, buildings, historical/cultural/geological/herbalogical locations, etc. Commercial establishments such as purely lodging and eating venues would not be included. A good starting list might be those sights that RS already includes in his pyramid ratings. I leave it to the Webmaster to set full rules for inclusion on the list.
I have not attempted to fully explain all the bells & whistles I visualize. And I’m sure there are major web design issues that would need to be decided. Rather, this is a bare bones idea for others to comment on, and encourage or not. Please reply to this post, expressing your opinion and letting the Webmaster know if you think this would be an extremely useful feature, a colossal waste, or somewhere in between those extremes. Or feel free to respond by simply providing a “star rating” of including a star rating feature for tourist sights on the RS website. :)