Rabbie's Tours Black Friday Sale starts today. Discounts are 10% off for day trips and up to 20% for their longer tours. The discount codes to use are on the website. https://www.rabbies.com/en
I scheduled four day tours, two from London in June and two from Killarney in July. It's an easy way for me to get out of town to see more without driving.
Great deal! Just adding that the tours must depart from Nov. 19 - Aug. 31.
For those unfamiliar with Rabbie's, they have a great reputation here on the forum. I have taken 2 day tours with them and am signed up for 2 multi-day tours with them for next year.
I like them because you are mostly on your own at the sights and there are no group meals. So, a good option for people like me, who are not big on socializing. :-)
Since I just got a reminder email, I think I should add the following:
1. Rabbie’s does tours outside of the UK and Ireland. Their Italy, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland tours are also on sale.
2. Sale end Dec 9 at 8am GMT (London time).
3. Read the itineraries and fine print. Tours appear to be similar to RS My Way tours, transportation and lodging only. But check that out yourself to be sure.
Thanks Carrie for the review. This will be my first time using Rabbie’s and for day tours only.
I love it when people post about sales. This is sure to be a match for someone. Thanks
Thanks for posting this! We're just now planning a trip to Edinburgh for June & I've had my eye on the Isle of Skye 3-day tour.
Thanks, OP. I plan to take a Robbie's Scotland multi-day tour in 2025. So this is great news. I wish there's a forum just for sales like this.
I read the fine prints about booking and cancellation:
Keep in mind accommodations are not included in the tour price, at least the 5-day Wales tour we're taking in September, and that extra cost can be pricey. You can book your own room or have Rabbies' do it for you.
BigMikeWestByGodVirginia, I’m so glad to hear you are taking that Wales Tour. It is on my list for the future. I hope you’ll report back what you thought of it.
I booked my own hotels for my multi-day tours as I have read some complaints about some of the hotels booked by Rabbie’s. I figured as long as I have the choice, I will book myself so I’m not worried about that aspect of the tour. I checked with Rabbie’s before I booked to make sure the hotels were within the range of their pick-up and drop-off. When you book the tour, there is space to enter the hotel info. so they know you have booked one yourself.
Carrie, thank you for those insights.
Well, poop. I asked them to book our rooms but now I'll take a look myself and see what I can find. I thought having Rabbie's do it was like hitting the easy (or lazy) button, but my guess is they are trying to save money here.
Agreed it doesn't seem very smart to blindly accept whatever hotel they provide without being able to research it in advance.