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Quick-dry underwear and (SmartWool) socks - worth it?

Hi all! We're gearing up for our European trip this July, and we're prepared for the inevitable heat! However, in thinking about what to pack, I'm wondering what people think about "quick-dry" socks and underwear. In particular, I'm looking into the "ExOfficio" briefs and SmartWool socks. The idea definitely seems appealing (and of course I'm hearing lots of great things about the sheer comfort SmartWool), but then I see the cost of these things is certainly not cheap! Do you think it's worth it to spend, say, $100 per person to gear up on a few of each of these things for a one-month trip, versus just bringing along a few more pairs of our everyday cotton stuff, that really doesn't take up a whole lot of baggage space?

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629 posts

IMO They are worth every penny and do take them along. My 'travel' briefs only get worn on vacations so they do last. We take more than 2 pr each though - don't want to wash something EVERY night. You can check out Tilley's travel underwear and socks at their Granville store. That way you'll get proper sizing, can check out the products and save on any shipping costs. These are the only socks that I've ever seen with a warranty! Smartwool socks are another favourite and we take 2 pr each of these. They are sold in different thicknesses and are not just for cold weather. Good luck!

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17233 posts

I think "travel underwear" is way overpriced. I just take my regular nylon stuff, and my husband takes his regular cotton briefs. They dry overnight if we wash them and press dry. As for sox, I love Smartwool for my hiking sox, but wouldn't use them for summer city walking. Take a look at the MEC (Mountain Equipment Coop) website under lightweight sox, and you'll see some lightweight wicking coolmax crew sox by Wrightsocks for $8.25 CAD, instead of $20.00 CAD for the Smartwool,. These will dry very quickly when washed, and are good for blister prevention. And they come in plan black or white instead of the jazzy Smartwook patterns.

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1893 posts

If travel is in your future, more than this one trip, then invest in underwear and socks. If this is the only trip you will take for the next few the $100 and use it for your adventure on your trip and take what you already own. Lightweight cotton undergarments will dry over night. Don't know why you'd want wool socks in July way too hot. you only need sandals during the day, unless you aren't a sandal wearer...then a comfortable pair of shoes and your socks you know work fine. My vote is to not spend extra just for "travel" gear unless you are traveling frequently and can get the value from your expense. That being said, if you are also in need of new items for your everyday use, buy it, but don't set it aside "just for travel use"

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253 posts

I am thinking of patenting six-way travel underwear. You just rotate them six times and then toss them. No?

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2 posts

Absolutely yes to the SmartWool socks! I have heavier ones for hiking and lightweight ones for general walking. Even in the summer they keep my feet odor-free and dry from perspiration. I actually just ordered two more pair (black) for our upcoming trip to Europe this summer. Even though the price is high ($15/pair), the resulting comfort is worth it to me.

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19237 posts

I have three sets of cotton/polyester underwear that I got online, although probably not from the "premier" suppliers. If you have the discipline to wash every evening, you don't need more than that. They have always dried overnight. I try to wash right after I check in; that gives them a few more hours to dry and I wear clean underwear for the evening. I could probably get by with two set. I also have about 4 cotton/polyester golf shirts that I got inexpensively at Target. I use inflatable hangers and they dry overnight. I used to bring plain cotton, but I found that, with the high humidity in Germany, it didn't dry as fast and, when I was on the go every day, I had to bring along plastic bags to keep the half dry stuff out of my other clothes.

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1178 posts

I have some of the quick dry that I take...also the cotton from every is a good as the other I find...wash out in the sink with a cap of woolite, twist out as much water as possible, and hang in a breezy place and they are dry the next day. No problem.

Posted by
361 posts

Hi Geoff, I'm relaying my husband's take on your queries re: socks and underwear. He has both Tilley and Ex-Officio briefs. Likes the Tilley's but loves the Ex-Officios. He takes 3 pair of each. The Tilley quick drying socks are long lasting, fit well but end up very smelly at the end of the day. I have the Smartwool socks and love them. Going to get some for husband before our next trip to Italy. He wears all of them year round so feels that they're a good investment. Hope that this helps. Ciao, Sherry

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441 posts

I have ExOfficio briefs and Smartwool socks. I love 'em. Of course, it depends on where you go. Norway would be a lot different than Southern Italy but the Merino wool keeps the socks from reeking at the end of a long day.

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2788 posts

I go to Europe every summer for about one month and I take 3 or 4 pairs of ExOfficio briefs, tee-shirts, and socks so that I can do laundry in the sink every few days and they all will be dry in the morning. I did not start out this way as I was too cheap to splurge for the ExOffico stuff but I go tired of washing out cotton underwear and not having it dried in the morning. You mention going for one month. Are you ever going to take another trip after this one? I take my stuff whenever I travel and I do get to travel often. I do not know what RS packs but if he still claims to do 3 months in one of his 21" bags, he must be taking something light and washable and not very many of anything. Do whatever you feel comfortable with given your budget but ExOffico is a great long-term investment.

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976 posts

I love the Ex Officio underwear and wear it all year. Yes, it's pricey but it's great quality and lasts a long time. I don't put it in the dryer, just hang it up even at home. You don't look the type for the lacey undies at Soma, but they wash/dry well while traveling also and are less money on sale, but they started losing elasticity after a year or so. The Ex Officio don't. Smartwool socks are awesome in the winter- i don't like socks so can't imagine wearing 'em in summer unless in the mountains. You only need 2 or 3 pair per year. My son's cotton socks took 2 days to dry in the summer heat while traveling.
BTW, once you start using the good stuff you won't want to go back to the Jockeys and Hanes. And that's OK.

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989 posts

I take my oldest undies, 1 pair per day, (18 prs bikini undies fit into one 1-3-3 plastic bag and weigh very little ), wear them once and then toss them. Then I have the pleasure of a trip to Victoria's Secret when I return to restock. That helps me deal with the letdown of the trip being over.

Posted by
251 posts

I would say yes to both the Smartwool socks and the ExOfficio briefs. Both are well worth the high price for the ability to dry quickly and to wick away sweat or moisture. Both with help you now for your trip and in the long term, again for use down the road. The ExOfficios are perfect for the warmer weather. Also, I would wear the Smartwools in hot summer weather and in cold winter weather. They have served me well in both cases. Both of these are much more comfortable than the everyday cotton... you won't look back.

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1170 posts

Smartwool socks totally worth it! I don't have shares in the company, lol I have never tried ExOfficio briefs. I say yes to spending the money on SW. I did that two years ago for my family, and they are still holding up well. I tend to hide them for trips though! It might seem like a lot of money, but considering how many trips we take, they were worth the investment.

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331 posts

Disposable paper underwear is not as uncomfortable, or as unflattering, as you might think. If they made them with rice paper you need never go hungry either.

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1717 posts

Hello Geoff. Men's underwear, made of polyester cloth, or part Polyester and part cotton, is uncomfortable. I like the Smartwool socks, but I wear it only in the coldest weather during the winter.

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307 posts

I wear Exofficio Boxer Briefs and though expensive, they are well worth the investment. Comfortable, quick drying, and lightweight. While I don't own any Smartwool products, I do wear wool socks exclusively as they are comfortable and have an amazing ability to resist foot odour.
Edit: Forgot to mention, they are durable...had mine for two years and they look as good as new, no stretching, fraying, unravelling, etc...very glad I made the investment

Posted by
26 posts

Thanks again, everyone! My wife and I have been consistently impressed with how much great information everyone here has to share! Sounds like the ExOfficio briefs are a must-buy. And just to clarify, from my research, I've heard that despite what you might think, the SmartWool socks can be quite cool in the heat (even moreso than plain cotton) -- especially the lighter socks. It sounds like several people here would agree. So, sounds like a few pairs of SmartWool socks should be on the shopping list, too! Thanks again! ~Geoff and Jennifer

Posted by
180 posts

I love my ExOfficio briefs so much that I bought a bunch last time they were on sale and that's pretty much all I use. I still have my first pair from back in 2004 and it still looks and wears like new. Great fit, quick dry, light, packable, strong and I feel adventurous every time I wear them. Worth every penny.

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17233 posts

For those who are interested, I got an e-mail from Ex Officio today, subject line "Epic Underwear Sale Ends Today!" Looks like stuff is 25% off. Have fun shopping!

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17233 posts

And to clarify my comments on the Smartwool socks, they are indeed fine for the summer heat. (That is why I wear them for hiking, including in the heat of the Grand Canyon) I just haven't found any styles that work for my summer casual shoes---plain (not patterned), lowcut, etc. Merino wool is actually great for the heat---several companies (Icebreaker, I/O, etc.) make great cool, thin wool tees for summer---very practical (and expensive.)

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258 posts

agree w/ Brad re: Underarmour. In addition to Nike Dry Fit, I have a lot of Underarmour t-shirts and underwear, and they're great. And he's right; pricey, but they last forever, even after many washes. Underarmour is great for working out/running, but also so comfortable, that you may want to wear it as your underwear every day. Def ideal for traveling, when you know you'll be running around/sweating. If you have a Dick's Sporting Goods (AWESOME sporting goods chain here in the States) or something similar in BC, you can find Underarmour, Nike Dry Fit, etc.

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258 posts

yes, def worth the extra cost. After long days walking around/hiking in Europe, I was glad to have smart-wool socks. They wick away moisture and your feel are much more comfortable at the end of the day. And, unlike regular cotton socks, they're not gross to wear the next day. Just lay them out flat overnight, and they're good for a few wearings. I brought several pairs of smart wool socks on my last trip. Big fan here, too, of Nike Dry Fit (although any major sporting goods brand make some variation of this). I wear these tops, shorts and, yes, underwear, to work out in at the gym, bike or run, and they're great for traveling too. They wick away moisture/sweat and keep you much dryer then standard cotton. Go into any major store that sells running/work-out gear, and you should have a decent ion to choose from. You'll be glad you did on hot European days!

Posted by
258 posts

and I agree w/ post above re: smart wool in summer. I found a brand here in New York (forget name off-hand) that ARE wool (smart wool), but super-light, not heavy at all, so was not an issue in the summer. And I bought a few that were low (hardly went past ankles), so were great to slip on w/ sneakers/low hikers.

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12313 posts

Smartwool socks are too expensive. I have a pair but decided there are alternatives that cost less (e.g. Costco wool blend hiking socks at 3 pairs for $10). For underwear, I LOVE Underarmour boxerjocks (I recommend either 6" or 9" inseam so they don't ride up). I bought them originally for travel and workouts, but now wear them all the time. Yes, these are expensive too, about the same as ex-officio ($20 at most sporting goods stores). The first pair I bought years ago, however, still looks and feels new.

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355 posts

I bought underwear that dries overnight at target and synthetic socks that dry overnight at Walmart. But before that I used cotton and still went very light. Cotton socks and underwear will dry in two nights with no problem unless super think (blue jeans take forever not cotton boxers) Which works perfectly fine unless you are doing a bunch of one night stands. Even if your pattern is 1 night stand 2 nights in city 1 night stand 2 nights
etc. You still only need to carry 4 sets (plus one worn) Just do laundry on day one of each 2 night stay. If every place you are staying is 2 days or more then you can get away with one less. If you have 2 - one night stands in a row you need one more set.

Posted by
31 posts

Yes, to add to others, Smartwool (and wool in general) is great for warm weather.
And ladies, Smartwool makes little 'no-see-um' socks to wear with ballet flats styles. I have 3 pair (2 black, 1 tan) for travel with my Clarks flats. I have them on today and they're great! Way better than the nylon-ish kind. And I got them at my local REI.

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9 posts

"Quick-dry" usually means that they are made from thin nylon/spandex blend. Normal underwear is made from cotton and cotton holds onto water. My local sporting goods store carries very comfortable nylon/spandex underwear that are meant for light every-day physical activity. There are nicely priced and I don't have to pay for shipping and handling. I have a couple pairs that I use if I'm going to be walking and physically active, which you will be on a trip.

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500 posts

There are many types of smartwool socks. Some are very thick, some very thin, you have to shop around, hard to tell if you are doing mail order. I am bringing several thin pairs of wool socks (smartwool and other brands) and Ex-Officio underwear on my upcoming 3 week trip. I am trying to pack as light as I can, I am bringing 4 of each.